remembered this game after hearing bangarang for the first time in forever and i'm in a cold sweat writing this review

cute as a meme game but it tries and falls just a little short of being a normal game

they really stepped up the budget here

scathing critique/satire. this is like A Modest Proposal but for gamers


making the aspect ratio 100x900 was a bold move

really makes you feel like aetherman

thou shalt not Not play tower of heaven. idk

beat pizza tower to the pizza punch by 6 years. this is a certified experience

kind of a chore demo, not very interesting to play. run in a straight line and sometimes find a fork in the path to collect a thing if you want

played the demo and it seems fun and all but once it came to enforcing a citation for every 6 year old's drawing of a cartoon character for "content infringement" (fucked up youtube dystopia version of copyright infringement) I just felt really bad and you even see the old teacher's status update in utter bewilderment at what you're doing. it's like the undertale bad ending except there's no megalovania and no other ending