played this on pc the fightings okay and storys pretty good like usual but removing styles was bunk, use style switching mod on the nexus for better experience

ps2 version kinda bunk so play HD on ps3 or kiwami on literally any modern day gaming thing (besides switch we hate switch)

one of the best platformers ive played...

when i see a sakura tree all i think is just "Resurrection Butterfly -80% Reflowering-"

this one pretty fun, i like replaying it


theres so much shit to do and i want to do it again

the storys pretty cool but the open world is probably the thing you bought the game for

THIS GAME PISSES ME OFF but i love it :sparkles:

this happened to my mexican friend before

idk why this one is hyped so much its kinda just okay at best, i know its ZUNs first "offcial" game on windows so some hiccups can be okay but it still seems a bit rough, compared to th5 or th4.

played this game like many times love very much