"Man, This Game is Great Except When I Gotta Play It"

Just a list of games that I feel excel in every area except the actual gameplay

What can I add that hasn't already been said?
There are still some things I haven't talked about regarding Black Knight in case I want to share my experiences with the game in greater depth, but nah man, this gameplay is ass.
Travis Strikes Again is a game that says a lot and nails the landing on a lot of what it explores. Doesn't mean I like the gameplay.
I've warmed up to Dream Drop Distance considerably. I enjoy the more introspective route it's taken with Sora and Riku's relationship, and it has some of the best story beats in the series. Its gameplay is also among some of the worst the series has to offer. On an unrelated note, Nobodies having hearts is not a retcon, you just can't read.
I appreciate the genre shift to an action game to separate from the rest of the series as a means of carving your own identity and connecting with the themes, but straight up SW2019 has some of the worst action gameplay I've ever seen. It's the worst of these games by a landslide.

1 Comment

7 months ago

Thoughts regarding Super Paper Mario?

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