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thesneeze313 reviewed Downwell

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I think downwell is at its most fun when you get the levitating guy. the slower descent makes the game a lot more manageable and in my opinion, rewarding. You dont need as much precision with him which is nice

6 days ago

6 days ago

thesneeze313 reviewed Sanabi
I think this game is just as good as Katana Zero.

6 days ago

thesneeze313 completed Sanabi

6 days ago

thesneeze313 reviewed Katana Zero
mad good. insanely satisfying and beautiful pixel art environments.

6 days ago

6 days ago

thesneeze313 reviewed Nine Sols
I like this game better than Hollow Knight.

6 days ago

6 days ago

thesneeze313 reviewed Hollow Knight
Weird difficulty spikes and excessive backtracking aside, the world of this game is amazing. Makes any frustrations I had with it worth it.

6 days ago

6 days ago

thesneeze313 reviewed Hades
I don't think it's perfect. The amount of enemies in the game that are complete horseshit is staggering. Also some points of contact are unintuitive and you'll get damaged by things that you cant see or are underrepresented in the foreground. Really good everything else, just balancing is a lil on the wacky end.

6 days ago

thesneeze313 completed Hades

6 days ago

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