114 Reviews liked by thewilhelm

I played for Kuroneko

Falar da parte técnica desse jogo já deve ser chover no molhado nesse momento, é um dos gráficos mais impressionantes já concebidos nessa mídia. Acompanhado da direção de arte + os incríveis cenários da Islândia do século X, você tem uma combinação de cair o queixo de qualquer um.

Dito isso, desde que Hellblade 2 foi anunciado, eu fiquei extremamente curioso em como a Ninja Theory iria dar sequência a história, que pra mim tinha sido muito bem fechada no primeiro jogo.

Então a pergunta que não quer calar, a Ninja Theory conseguiu dar uma sequência digna pra jornada de Senua?




Pessoalmente falando, eu fiquei mais impactado com a trama do primeiro jogo, a vibe mais intimista e a mensagem dele ressoaram muito mais comigo.

Por isso o SIM, já que o segundo jogo é sim uma evolução digna do personagem de Senua, também com uma bela mensagem.


Por isso o NÃO, pois uma parte de mim ainda acha que o primeiro jogo ainda funciona mais como obra única.

O gameplay em si é ainda mais simples que o primeiro, não tem muito o que falar sobre. A proposta pra mim sempre ficou clara que seria essa. Assim como o seu curto tempo de duração também não é um problema pra mim, um jogo tem que durar o necessário.

Pra encerrar, acho que ficou claro que esse jogo me gerou e continua a gerar sentimentos conflitantes, estou pensando nele desde que zerei.

"As batalhas mais difíceis são enfrentadas na mente" e "há sempre uma escolha"

Um dos melhores jogos que joguei em muito tempo, graficamente é incrível, a historia é muito boa porem tem uma gameplay bem simples oque pode ser um problema(não me encomodou). Não é um jogo para todo mundo por ser mais lento e cinematográfico.
Simplesmente cinema ✋😮🤚

NOTA: 8,0


EDIT: ( Nota baseada desde o início da gameplay: 27/4. Vou rejogar com o último patch mais para frente) Após a staff do game entrar em contato comigo pelo discord, ao testar o game no Rog Ally com a Egpu 3080 o game rodou muito bem e consegui terminar o primeiro ato, reitero ainda sim que em áreas de grande demanda visual os frames são baixos e as quedas bem consideráveis, não sei dizer exatamente o que aconteceu para que o erro que eu estava enfrentando fosse corrigido, de qualquer maneira, espero ansioso pela melhora de otimização e novo conteúdo!

No Rest For The Wicked é um excelente soulslike com elementos de RPG desenvolvido pela Moon Studios, criadores da franquia Ori e de cara é perceptível pelo visual pintado a mão que o game tem, que proporciona uma ótima ambientação também.

Em um universo pós apocalíptico onde se busca sobrevivência, uma das esperanças da humanidade ( apesar de nem sempre serem bem vistos) são os cerim, no qual o protagonista do game tem descendência, contando com uma variedade bem grande de armas, runas ( que fazem o papel de weapon arts), encantamentos e etc.

Passando por diferentes áreas extensas e com ótimos level design, o game conta também com um sistema de caçadas, desafios e side quests para a progressão do personagem e também com melhorias na cidade e cosméticos para a decoração da própria casa do player.

Após derrotar o chefe em nameless path e aceitar (pelo menos por enquanto) o triste fim onde a própria história rejeita o protagonista, o game libera uma cripta secreta com 8 andares e um boss final para conseguir loots avançados. Onde se o player morre durante seja os andares ou no boss, volta tudo de novo e é mais uma feature que gostei bastante, basicamente uma dungeon que mistura bastante desafio e estratégia principalmente ao se deparar com o boss que é muito complicado, mantendo o player entretido até que se lance mais conteúdo no early access.

Seria tudo tão perfeito, se o game não tivesse uma otimização tenebrosamente terrível, seu desempenho sofre de loadings e renderizações extremamente demoradas, além de travamentos, cortes de som e quedas de fps OLHAR O EDIT LÁ ENCIMA

Eu praticamente consegui fazer tudo do que o game tem por enquanto ( está em Early Access) e ao esperar por uma atualização gigante que aconteceu hoje com melhorias e adições como Dlss, acabou que o efeito foi reverso, o game se tornou ijogável. Cada elemento novo que aparece na tela exige que o game trave para carregar, fora loadings de 5 minutos ou até mais

Em resumo, praticamente antes da atualização de hoje e já na do dia 4 de Maio, vinha sendo mais difícil jogar, porém era possível e bem sólido. Eu acredito que esse game tem um enorme potencial e eu particularmente gostei demais.

A simply sublime and inventive deck building game with quite a few genre subversions sprinkled throughout. Masterful atmosphere, visuals and mechanically complex while at the same time being very approachable and digestible. Inscryption should be considered a case study of successful game design.

I gotta admit I was slightly disappointed once the game shifted away from Act 1's shenanigans, but the resulting experience more than made up for it in the end. I also love how the creator added in an optional endgame mode with expanded rules, challenges and cards as kinda of a gift for those who really enjoyed the first segment of the game.

Everyone should play through this at least once. And this is coming from someone who usually dislikes card games and is currently tired of roguelites.

Simplesmente um MONSTRO em ambientação. Crow Country consegue resgatar com perfeição o feeling de terror dos antigos jogos de survival horror da era do PS1, e ao mesmo tempo consegue criar uma identidade própria fenomenal.

A estética de parque de diversões abandonado se encaixa perfeitamente com o gênero, gerando uma atmosfera familiar, fofa e ao mesmo tempo sinistra, o que com certeza ajuda em deixar o jogador sempre à beira de um ataque de nervos (not me though, I'm built different).

Os puzzles são bem RE-like, com dicas de como resolvê-los espalhados pelo parque em forma de textinhos, notas, cartazes, etc. Entretanto, nem sempre são óbvios, obrigando que o jogador coloque tico e teco para funcionar (not me though, I'm built stupid...), ou que use a barraquinha de dicas, esta que ajuda a apaziguar a frustração de ficar preso em um puzzle, uma ótima adição.

A limitação de recursos sempre me deixou na ponta dos pés, mostrando que até o fim do jogo o confronto direto com os inimigos deve ser evitado, algo que RE moderno falha miseravelmente.

Se tem alguma coisa negativa para dizer sobre o jogo, são dois pontos bem bobos: Primeiro, não tem resource management, então vc consegue estar sempre carregando tudo. Segundo, o jogo é bem curtinho, com um mapa bem pequeno, mas isso era esperado de um jogo indie.

Por fim, se esse time conseguiu entregar algo desse calibre com provavelmente financiamento nenhum, fico torcendo para que o jogo faça sucesso e consigam entregar algo com tanta maestria (ou quem sabe uma continuação) em um futuro próximo. Mais um indício de que a revolução indie continua forte, e a indústria AAA continua ficando para trás.

I feel like after I post this review I'll probably lose respect from most people just for the fact I even touched something like this. I'm not sure what really compelled me to try this series but I guess I did it. This series was made by Tamsoft who I always think of as the Battle Arena Toshinden devs. I'm amazed they were even still around by the 2010s. So is this a good first attempt? Yeah I'd say so.

This is a 2.5D hack n slash. You'll be fighting lots of the same enemy types through most levels as you can choose between 5 different girls. You got a light and strong attack along with a move that hits hard but takes HP. If you fill up a bar you can get a new outfit and then perform specials. Trust me you will be doing these a lot so be thankful they let you skip the animations.

The game is divided up into 5 chapters and sadly I couldn't do the story for one reason. The game never got a US release. It seems like there's 5 other girls to ruin your life at many times through the main missions. The game ends with this really weird giant thing that idk what it was. Maybe I was missing out on great writing but I'm too stupid to learn Japanese.

Ok let's just get this out of the way. This game is horny, you know this series is horny. There's a lot of clothing removal and just panty shots to please any degenerate. I'm indifferent to it. On one hand, it's not the worst fanservice I've seen and I'm sure it did it's job for many horny people but for me idk, like maybe I'm just not one to get horny for a game like this. Some of the outfits can be ridiculous though. I'm surprised no one can get naked though, I would have expected that with at least censors but guess not.

I would recommend people not do the whole game in one go as you will get sick of the game. In sessions though it can make for a fun time. It's far from being amazing and honestly I wouldn't be surprised if other games in the genre can do this but better but for what I played it can be enjoyable.

The game also has you fighting other girls and at first I hated these but once I learned the mechanics better they are usually pretty easy especially if you can get your special ready. There was one girl in the postgame that looks like a Jojo character that I could not beat. You seem to have to fight her as all 5 characters and sadly I could only do it with the first one so maybe you have to grind, not sure. I don't feel too compelled to beat it though I'm guessing you unlock her if you beat her.

The game doesn't look too bad for a 3DS game though there are clear cuts like the lack of variety for areas. The game also chugs horribly at times and I'm not really sure why. The models at least look pretty good for the handheld and if you love stuff like boobs, you will enjoy this. The music fits nicely though for some reason I didn't pay too much attention to it, sorry. There was a vocal theme which is nice. There's also voice acting and it works. I like when the pink hair girl goes BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA!!

In the end, it's repetitive but its like a fun mindless game. The series would get two more on 3DS until for no reason just missing out on every mainline game since. I'll check out the sequel sometime this year if my 3DS isn't broken by then. I probably won't review it though unless people for some reason want me to get back into reviewing or I get motivation for it again by the time I get to it. I still somewhat feel ashamed to have played this but oh well, I was already a loser to begin with so it's not a real lost. At least the game was fun.

“We can forget happy things. We can probably forget sad things too. People have the power to forget.” 

I haven't stopped thinking about Mother 3 since i finished it a week ago, and i can confidently say that this is one of my favorite games of all time.
I love everything about it, the characters are awesome and fit perfectly in the world (Duster and Flint are the best ones imo), the music sets a perfect tone for each setting, the gameplay was fun but grindy at times, and the story is probably the most amazing part, with each chapter being interesting in its own way. (The ones i liked the most were chapters 4 and 6).
This was an incredible game and I think that everyone should experience Mother 3 at least once in their lives.

Sekiro And NieR Have A Baby Except It Looks Like Battle Angel Alita Mixed With A K-Pop Music Video That's Set Inside A Post-Apocalyptic World Taken Over By Eldritch Horror Aliens

Overall Really Good. Also Lily Looks Like Me If I Had Short Hair And Didn't Wear Glasses

god motherfluffing damn, they knocked it out of the park with this. everything good about the previous panzer dragoon games was amped up here, nothing is lost in the translation to an RPG. the story is beautiful, the combat feels awesome and fitting, and i gotta say it has one of the best endings of any game. absolute classicccccccccc

Revelations: Persona was the first Shin Megami Tensei game released in the West. No, Jack Bros. does not count. Sorry guys. I had thought this was the only game with the weird “Revelations” surname, but I recently found out a GBC port of the first Last Bible game was released in the west as “Revelations: The Demon Slayer." It's kind of weird to think that there’s an alternate timeline where SMT3 would’ve been called “Revelations: Nocturne” or something like that.

This game has a notoriously bad localization job, and I’m sure most have at least seen some things about it. The game's script was altered to take place in America instead of Japan, and Atlus tried to make it seem that way, but it's pretty easy to see through since the characters are clearly wearing Japanese school uniforms and the song playing in the pharmacy has Japanese lyrics. Character names were also changed to sound more standard. Nanjo’s name was changed to Nate, and Maki’s name was changed to Mary, to name a few. Character designs were also changed, most notably Mark being changed into a racist stereotype. It also seems that anyone who had black hair had their hair color altered to blonde or something. Why is this? No idea. And I thought Working Designs was shit at localizing.

Well, firstly, about the gameplay, Persona 1 struggles with its balancing. Most enemies will barely do any damage to you, let alone even hit you. Paired with how slow this game is, it tends to get pretty dull at times. Most of the boss fights are also complete pushovers that never challenge your wits. The only time I was really strategizing and switching personas was the final boss, which can be RNG-reliant, is held at the end of the final dungeon, and can take 2-4 hours to get through with no save in between! Nonetheless, it still serves to make you use everything you can at the end.

About the personas, though, unlike later entries in the series, this game actually lets you equip 3 personas for each character. It requires a lot more planning than just fusing for the main character, as you’ll need to have personas that are better suited to the whole party’s traits. Mark should get personas with high strength, Mary/Maki should get dexterity/agility, stuff like that. You’ll also have to level up the personas by using their moves in battles in order to unlock their full moveset. So, I was switching them around and getting all their moves, which at times can prove very useful. At the start of the game, I had gotten a persona with a Heal All move that only cost 7 MP, and that carried my ass through the entire game and helped tremendously on the final boss. It’s super fun fusing in this game and getting oddball broken shit when it feels like you’re not even supposed to a lot of the time. It never really breaks the game, though, since traditionally with Megaten games, a lot of enemies are going to repel certain attacks, so you’ll not be able to really use the same move the whole time.

There’s also this kind of cool SRPG formation mechanic in the game too. You’ll have to move your party of 5 around on this formation grid to best suit their strengths. If they’re in areas in the back, they’ll take less physical damage but will also not be able to reach enemies with their physical attacks. One of my characters, Brad/Brown, had good reach with his spear, so he was able to be placed in the middle and still attack most of the enemies with his physical attacks. You also don’t want them all to be placed too close to each other, since there’s area magic in this game that extends to other party members when hitting someone. Truthfully, it’s not super important, and you can kind of use one formation the whole game and it’ll work fine. I only found myself really using this mechanic on the final boss for the most part.

My favorite aspect of Persona 1 is how it absolutely nails its atmosphere, mostly due to how outstanding this game's soundtrack is. There are these really creepy songs that fit super well when dungeon crawling, and then some of my favorites in this game are these ethereal and relaxing tracks that play during cutscenes or downtime. There’s barely any misses, and it definitely became one of my new favorite OSTs.

Also adding to this game's atmosphere is its first-person dungeon crawling. Many would call it dated; I would call it a different perspective. Honestly, design-wise, it's kind of boring. Most RPGs would have treasure at the end of dead ends, but Persona 1 doesn’t. Instead, you’ll rarely find these rooms with a few treasure chests in them, which, for the most part, have nothing useful in them. I would have really liked to see more of these rooms, as they really would have given me more of a reason to fill out the map. Thankfully, this game has a map that fills out as you progress in dungeons, so you’ll not need graph paper or anything like that! Accompanying this map is a mini map at the top right of the screen that will show you pieces of the map that you haven’t been to yet from the radius of your character. I didn’t realize until my friend pointed it out, but I was literally just staring at the mini map because it just shows you the dead ends so you can completely avoid getting lost. It’s a huge quality of life thing, but a little bit too much in my opinion, and it made the dungeons effortless since combat is also very easy.

Besides the gameplay aspect, I think the dungeons are really cool. They all have their own designs and music, and strangely enough, they have different walking sound effects to accompany the different terrain. I really like when you’re walking around the school and it plays these recorded sounds of someone walking on the tile. It's kind of a weird thing to point out, but it really just added a level of immersion for me. There’s also surprisingly great sound design in this game, too. In combat, there’s so much reverb and punch to attacks, and that makes them feel effective.

When going into different areas in the overworld, the characters in your party will all be present, and you will be able to speak to all of them. When different story events are taking place, they will all have unique dialogue for all the areas in the game, that being stuff like the clinic or shops. This was a level of care that I was surprised to see, and it helped me get attached to the cast of characters. I really wish more games would do stuff like this.

Lastly, I love the UI in this game. In the menu, there’s this blue and orange grid, and on top of that, your options are all allocated to an orb on what looks like a solar system. Then, in combat, your options are these metallic-looking boxes that, when highlighted, glow orange. It looks a lot cooler than I made it sound though, I promise. I didn’t really know where to throw this in either, but in battle, there’s multiple of these psychedelic moving backgrounds that look like they're straight out of Earthbound and look really sick.

Persona 1 does a great job at using all the PS1’s new bells and whistles. It excels in so many departments and looks great in both its 2D and 3D sections. There’s so much effort in areas that didn’t even need them, and it works great as a horror RPG of sorts. It’s tough to recommend this game though, since it’s honestly pretty inaccessible. But, if you can look past how dated and slow the game is, it is one that will not be forgotten.

Memento mori, memento vivere.

I don't think any game I play afterwards will ever have the impact Persona 3 Reload had on me, it's a fantastic and life-changing experience that I wholeheartedly recommend to anyone getting into the JRPG genre or for a seasoned fan of the persona games.

The biggest message P3 delivers is that while we all will leave this world one day, we also have to make the most of it while we can. It becomes especially apparent after the game's story picks up in the second half.

After playing 80 hours throughout the last month it's now become my favourite game of all time, and I don't think I'm even ready to be prepared to play the Answer and New Game+ some day...

played on duckstation. just alright, worst chunsoft entry.