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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 29, 2024

Platforms Played


Right off the bat: I will say that I knocked a whole two stars off because of technical reasons. Unless you go into NVIDIA Control Panel in the Program Settings tab, select this game, and set Low Latency to Ultra, this game runs TERRIBLY. I am using an i7-8700k and 3070ti build with 64gb of ram and was getting frame drops down to 15-22fps. Really immersion-breaking. Some other critiques: walking speed is way too slow at some points, "sprint" button does virtually nothing, and the direction I was supposed to go wasn't always clear, even though I knew I needed to follow the glowing light. I ended up missing the end of one of the character's story arcs because I ended up getting lost, and then at a later point, I thought I was following the light and took a wrong turn and ended up getting lost in a previous area for about 30 mins where nothing happened. So yeah, there's a few things they could have done a lot better technically.
Artistically though, phenomenal work! The voice acting is among some of the best I've seen in a while, kudos to all the actors involved because they killed it! Music was also incredible, definitely going to be listening to a good chunk of these songs on repeat. And the overall map was absolutely gorgeous, full marks there. Loved the vibe of this small rural british town, made me wanna go and live there. And when it rains during the later parts of the game was chef's kiss. So good.
This is an interesting one because I would absolutely LOVE to play it one or two more times to try and pick up on things I missed, but the walk speed and light guidance thing was confusing enough that I'm not sure if I wanna deal with it again just yet. I'll probably come back to it in a month or two.