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Destiny, but with a Halo skin.

Halo 5's is a very peculiar entry to the franchise. Gameplay wise, it's pretty solid, and I hear the multiplayer was great.
The campaign, however...damn. And that's not a good "damn".
This game takes place 8 months after Halo 4, and you play as both Master Chief and Spartan Locke. Both Chief's squad (Blue Team) and Locke's team (Fireteam Osiris) are attempting to stop the splinter Covenant faction that was introduced in 4. However, Chief gets a vision from Cortana (who is supposed to be dead) that leads to him along with Blue Team deserting their main mission to go look for her. Fireteam Osiris is sent to track them down and arrest them. They later find out that Cortana survived, got access to the Forerunner quantum realm called the Domain and has decided that AI should be the rulers of the universe, and she's the one to lead them. So now in addition to stopping the splinter Covenant faction, they need to stop Cortana from waking up a bunch of giant Forerunner robots called Guardians that she plans to use to enact her goal of universe domination.
So there's a lot going on, and it's happening fast. The opening cutscene is corny as hell, the pacing is rushed, the Covenant commander is killed in a cutscene instead of a bossfight, Cortana is unceremoniously brought back and made a villain, there's a fight between Chief and Locke that also was done in a cutscene, there's an annoying recurring boss called the Warden, the Aribiter shows up again (cool!) but doesn't really have an important role and when he and Chief meet up again after four years they don't say anything to each other (not cool), and it all ends in a huge cliffhanger that ends up getting retconned in Infinite.
It's super messy and the overall style they went for felt more akin to Destiny than Halo.
I personally wouldn't recommend it, but if you can borrow it or nab it for free, then yeah, play it simply so you can know the story leading up to Infinite.