This game has some of the best use of perspective I've ever seen in an FPS. The sight of these towering Nazi structures all the way to the sky, often amplified by the game's excellent FOV and depth-of-field effects, really sells the power and terror of the new regime.
Besides that, this game has a great story, solid performances and mostly strong gameplay. Some of its narrative and cover-shooting features aren't as well developed (they drive from London to Berlin in like, an hour), but the game is still a srong recommend from me.

The controls and frame rate were so poor that I spent 10 minutes trying to incendio then gave up.



Managed to kill a grand total of one person before my turn ended.

I mean, yeah, a shameless PUBG ripoff - but absolutely free.
Graphics muddy and gameplay boring, but somewhat addictive once you get good - I once killed 8 people in a row.

Doesn't everyone love stabbing each other with plastic swords?

The fact that this looks more "next-gen" than any PS5 game out there spells yards as to how ahead of itss time this game is.

My god...what have they done? (On the DS, at least).

I think I played this. I remember a PS1 X-men fighting game and so typed in "PS1 X-Men fighting game" on Google. This is what came up.

I have a saying: "Everything that has ever existed can be turned into a ten-page essay on the status of human society".
This could be turned into a hundred-page one that would be whispered about in terror in the depths of universities and science labs. For the sheer fact that this exists is a condemnation of everything that our modern society stands for.

I was so good at this game that my older siblings thought I was cheating (I wasn't, I was just using the quick-switch option during air combos).

I drove the wrong way every race.
But I still got to the finish first.