A very beautiful and profound game. The art is amazing and the lighting and shading is hypnotic, with the lights reflected on the wet pavement. The story's themes of judgement, losing touch and not really knowing someone you thought you knew were really touching. The ending was heart breakingly melancholic. Fantastic game.

Pretty fun
While it has most of the tropes of a modern indie horror game (jumpscares, Lovecraftian themes/imagery, etc), the deceptively simple framing leads to some more interesting and cinematic places. The use of The King In Yellow by Robert Chambers, while overdone, was still a nice touch.

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As a smoker
This didn't make me feel very good.

Content Warning: Sexual Assault & Body/Gender Dysphoria

This game is incredibly hard to talk about.

As a trans person who has a history of sexual assault, the game brought up emotions I didn't know I thought I had gotten over. I was a sobbing broken mess when this was over. It brought up feelings that I have felt for a long time but have buried to try and protect myself. This game didn't make me feel good. It made me feel awful because it hit so close to home, all the feelings of dysphoria I have with my body and the gender I was assigned and all the ugliness I feel after going through trauma. The only reason this isn't a 5/5 is that I don't think I can ever play it again because I know I won't be able to handle it, at least not till I am more comfortable with myself. I just need to get it out that this game is incredibly important and it is single-handedly the most emotional game I've ever played.

I've put way too much time into this game to give it anything less than a 3.5/5

Very fun and cute game. The art is beautiful and expressive and the dialogue perfectly reflects the struggle of queer teens

This is a very special game.

I got this for less than 2 British pounds after seeing another game creator whose work I enjoy (Kultisti) rate it highly on their itch.io page. Knowing almost nothing about it going in, I have to say this entire game was an experience like no other and a very impactful one. The art direction is beautifully eerie art, combining chalky backgrounds and cutscenes with pixelated sprites and a monochromatic colour scheme with spare vivid splashes of violets and red. The sound design and soundtrack go from calming to harsh and dissonant when needed. The story and world are wonderfully mysterious and intriguing and the characters are a joy to watch interact. To 100% it, it only took around 2 hours but it is only short because it does everything it needs to in that time and doesn't overstay its welcome.

One of my favourite games I've played for a very long time, a strong recommendation for anyone to pick up and play it.

While the visuals are really fantastic, perhaps the best of Richard's games, and the use of QR codes and augmented reality is very fun, the writing isn't as good as previous entries. Still a good little game with that twinge of sadness and regret present in nearly all of Richard's work.

Damn you, Cecile Richard
You made me cry yet again


I honestly don't know how Richard just keeps improving. An amazing game about anxiety and friendship as well as the most realistic depiction of a panic attack I've seen in any piece of media. Great use of music and colour, as well as great art like usual.

A game that took me 4 minutes to complete made me cry. I don't know what else I can say to sell this game apart from that.

The first one of Richard's games that made me audibly laugh.

Really cute and the art style is a lot of fun. As someone who finds meaning in the small things in life, it's nice to see that well translated into games.

A big step up from Cecille Richard's previous two games. Emotional and hard-hitting with great art and level design. Great little game.

A step up from Cecille Richard's first game "Visit". Richard clearly has a talent for pixel art and atmosphere. The thematic content and writing have also improved (like the recurring symbolism and spoken lines gaining new meanings as the game goes along) but the story isn't incredibly strong yet. A fun stop on my journey through Richard's games.