At its best Mirror's Edge is absolutely remarkable. A 15 year old game that can still look absolutely stunning is something truly special. And on top of that its innovative for the time movement system still feels unique to this day. That feeling of chaining together a move sequence whilst running faster and faster, it's so fucking good. For that alone, it's worth picking this up.

This is so fucking cool. The game mixes the usual point&click gameplay with the RPG-esque dialogue system, eerily similar to Disco Elysium. And it's just written so well. Man, I had such a blast playing this demo, I'm so excited for the actual game!

Off-Peak feels like an introduction to the world of Cosmo D. At only a little over 30 minutes in length, it lets you explore a tiny bit of its zaniness, meet a few faces and wander the spaces of the three-dimensional collage Cosmo cooked up for you, without overstaying its welcome, or really even getting more than acquainted.

Benjamin Franklin could never.

Fun gameplay, but ridiculously p2w

Beautiful, yet unsettling in its archaic aesthetic, Brutalism22 is the rawest artistic expression of the feeling of paranoia, panic and terror present when living in a war-torn country I could possibly imagine. The game in and of itself might be a bit short, at only 40-ish minutes and a bit over reliant on jump scares, but the feeling it captures is just so bone-chilling. Слава Україні.

In around 4 attempted runs so far, I've gotten as close as around 10k/50k with 1/3 of the time remaining. It started to get a bit frustrating around the hour mark, but I'll probably go back to it another time. I do love the dense atmosphere this game presents, as it is with almost every Merlino game. The gloomy dark environments contrasting with the breathtaking purple skybox make for a great setting. I just can't help, but wonder what stories you could set in a world like this... But as it stands I'm running around from outpost to outpost, collecting coins and sneaking around guards in a time rush. And I don't want this to sound like a dig against Antonio, that the game isn't as deep or fleshed out as it could be, because I'm aware of what limitations indie, and even more, solo game dev presents. I mean it more as a way of highlighting how great of an environment designer he is, that the game is even making me wonder those things, and how much I respect and admire his work, because for €3 this is great quality and totally worth it.

I always disliked the real time leveling up mechanics, even as a kid they felt blatantly pay 2 win.

Dang. I wasn't expecting a game created by someone going by "daddysucc5000" to hit so close to home and leave me on the verge of tears. Also, turns out bus simulators are a superior vessel of narrative delivery to walking simulators

Drawing trains on maps = neuron activation

Honestly I kinda liked the addition of superpowers. Yeah they make driving pointless, but i had fun with them so whatev. Other than that, playing it straight after finishing The Third, 4 just felt like more of the same.

Awful, cringe writing and surprisingly janky looking graphics