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July 24, 2023

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hits its peak way too early w chapter 2. rlly gorgeous stuff there thematically, like revisiting all these years and all these moments that one brother couldn’t be there for the other. we watch and read through years of someone’s life happen in just minutes and we know that we can’t stop the inevitable. reminds me of other rlly good media about never knowing someone who was such a big fixture in ur life, stuff like aftersun and funhome and silent hill shattered memories. more than anything though it reminded me of jeffrey eugenides virgin suicides specifically the moments describing the basement where a party was held for the first and last time before the first Lisbon sister killed herself. how the rot and the despair took its toll on the party food and decorations still up in the basement, time continued moving on even if it felt like the rest of the world stopped, at its best moments that’s what quantum break feels like.
majority of the game after that point feels like an excuse for rlly fun set pieces and rlly gorgeous maps and visuals but nothing great holding it up, pretty apparent the writers took a lot of cues from damon lindleof and writers like him, still good and fun, I’ll continue control at some point soon I think