147 reviews liked by trainman17

this game is like 30 minutes long and ive dropped 8 hours into it its so peak

It's a simple, cute little 3D plataformer. I know the camera was trying to emulate the N64 cameras but it's terrible sometimes, but not that big of a deal since the game is mostly puzzles.
It's worth it for the price.

Siactro has really found their niche with Nintendo 64 style platformers. With Macbat 64, I've played everything in their catalog, so I can confidently say this was one of my favorites. Their strength is definitely in the collectathon inspired games, and Macbat 64 shone for its level and gameplay variety. Each stage had some unique quirks and gameplay elements to make them individually endearing, and the overall package is satisfying as a result. I'd still love to see Siactro take on a larger project, but these smaller games do make for cute palette cleansers between longer games.

I can't really say more about Mario 3 than I already have before, but this version is just as good as the NES version. The new graphics help the background pop out way more and the remixed themes are incredible.

It looks like shit, it plays like shit, its gameplay is inconsistent and sometimes very obnoxious, and it's one of the funniest games I've ever played.
So all in all it's a fantastic representation of the show.

This is a game I saw on the store when I was a kid and ever since then I've been wanting to play it. After almost 20 years... I got very disappointed.

The aesthetic is good, I liked cel-shaded carl and aqua teens. As for the gameplay... One of the worst I've seen on a ps2 game. Super janky, the movement felt really sluggish, the combat was extremely awful cuz nothing felt responsive, have you imagined how frustrated you would feel in master shake's body? Exactly like that... heck, not even the golf aspect was done that well! After playing it for an hour gets annoying.

I really like ATHF and the game does a good job of keeping the shitpost nature of the show but it does it so much to the point of being really bad lol

backloggd user looking at a FAMILY GUY game: hmm! the family guy game is not the pinnacle of the medium! a bad game truly! i cant believe it wasn't a masterpiece!

Screw you guys im going home

This game sucks chocolate salty balls.

This and World Tour are the GOAT Guitar Hero games.

1 list liked by trainman17