10 reviews liked by trash

occupies a unique place in the souls universe as the most depressing in atmosphere, and at the same time shortest experience - oddly making it the one most eager to release you from its anguish.

love many great things about it, but for now i'll leave you with how lovely it is to see the maiden in black changing her spot everytime you arrive back at the nexus - chilling on the stairs being my fave. how exciting and mysterious yet ultimately silly the lead-up and eventual fool's idol encounter is (definitely got the boss tune!!!). a throughline of bold and absurd decisions resulting in an idiosyncratic game that i couldn't help but embrace wholeheartedly.

Just as fun as when I played the games back on DS. Love this series and the writing. Yet, a bit too wacky at times for me personally; however, like I already said it’s just a good time.

raw & poetic & vulnerable & honest~ crying, art as pure expression, a game can do so much with so little

'i don't want this to happen, and yet it will.'

collages of inner life spread across digital pages: raw thoughts, wishes, guilt & regret. dreading the passage of time, circling mistakes made and words we can't take back. on wanting nothing more than to hold onto something//someone, a connection that won't fade with time. an abstract bearing of the soul in hopes of mending wounds -- of the guilt to subside.

inbetween it all, it gives you the space to express yourself - blank pages to be filled. and i think that's because it doesn't want anyone to feel alone with their problems. because it believes it will be okay in the end. beautiful.

// play in browser here

Replaying this 22 years later definitely does not hit like it did when I was 8. Everything I loved about these games as a kid is there, but I would just rather replay 3. Meh.

Kinda boring, but I love rock climbing and it was pretty, the music was good too. I would describe this as something like a voiceless Ghibli film but its a video game and around 3-4 hours. Take that for what you will, but you'd probably get the same experience playing this game if you just watched Howl's Moving Castle or Ponyo with an Xbox controller in hand, and alternated holding the left and right triggers for the duration of the movie. Truthfully, I'm just jealous that the main character climbs V18 and on sights 5.16a without breaking a sweat.

I don't care what zoomers think, this is one of the best classic JRPGs that I've ever played. Every time I hear that menu theme, I am swept off my feet and transported to a realm of nightmarish terror. Just last month, I was determined to polish off a disgusting bottle of shochu; and by the end of the night, I had picked up a physical copy of this on the super famicom; the sight of Lucifer on the box art now haunts me.

Everything one would expect from a MegTen title with a few much needed quality of life additions. The atmosphere of this game is unrivaled. The demon compendium isn't overly bloated. The gameplay is brutal to those who are not willing to learn it. This is the most MegaTen that MegaTen has ever been.

They don't know how it feels to be attracted to anthropomorphized swords

this game is a broken mess but i like that broken mess

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