genuinely incredible (i could take arthur morgan) (not in a fight)

really really enjoyed this game, probably my favorite of the entire franchise even if its obviously not the best. the atmosphere and characters are just sick. i love jacob and evie so much.

did not play at release, so i cannot speak for the disaster that happened with micro transactions.
i sunk the entirety of the pandemic (thousands of hours) into this game, and not once was i unamused. i love both the heroes/villains and shooter combat even if its rather simple. such incredible immersion, like genuinely jaw dropping on some maps (kashyyyk).
i can only hope for another installment 🥲

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im a sucker for the longer, more historical assassins creed installments, and this hit the mark. love the atmosphere and combat, but the story is where it falls off. i got quite bored with the viking story in the late game, it felt bland and unenthusiastic. i can admire ubisoft wanting to bring back eivors heritage (?), but it felt bland and it was dragging on. regardless, still super fun and so much to explore. ill finish this game one day and am excited to do so.

loved so so sooooo much. combat is incredible as always. atmosphere, characters, animations: stunning!

this game has me locked in its basement. please help me i can’t get out.

i think im the only person in the world who absolutely loves crucible, it’s the only reason i come back to this game.
aside from that, the story via the DLCs and most seasonal plots are very meh. bungie couldn’t make me enjoy most if i was paid.
atmosphere, character design, and maps/planets are all gorgeous, but maybe not 200+ gb gorgeous.

i wrote my tech studies final on this masterpiece

i was genuinely obsessed with this game. sooooo soooo good.

i will never return to this mess.

im a major scaredy cat so i couldn’t finish it myself. in the time i did play, i had a blast, just was on the verge of crying the whole time. hope to return to this installment.

regardless of all the balance problems it had, i had fun before it went all battle-passy and even more riddled with microtransactions a few years back :’)

my intro to the fire emblem franchise back when it released. loved every second of it.

had so much fun with this game, genuinely an awesome experience.