1 review liked by ultramilktea

A very sweet little game that definitely didn’t make me cry (she lied). The artwork was very pretty and the characters were very charming! I’ll admit that I have kind of a bad habit of letting friendships and whatnot drift apart, so the game felt like kind of a call out… maybe I will try to do better in the new year. It does feel kind of appropriate to play at the start of the year even if the actual season seems to be spring.

I liked the little minigames throughout. They were kind of simple, but it was kind of nice that it didn’t waste your time. I did enjoy Bo’s card game quite a bit, it was funny and cute. The time management aspect seemed a little opaque so I wasn’t able to do absolutely everything I wanted, but on some level that seems thematically appropriate. I do find myself wondering if it would have been a little more manageable if I didn’t send anyone to superhell.

I do wish I could’ve helped the snake though, he seemed like a good boy. Maybe I will replay the game at some point and see if I can do a better job. It’s breezy and short, so it doesn’t feel super taxing.