Who would've thought a bucket could add so much?

"What is there else to say?" Stanley thought as he wrote down his Backloggd review. As he pondered over his choices for all sorts of fancy statements he could make about a video game from more than a decade ago, he considered if maybe he could just leave it at that.

Very charmful but gameplay is somewhat half-baked. Platforming and challenges are more frustating than anything

It knows what it's all about and runs with it like a bullet train. No hypnospace enjoyer should pass this one

One of the greatest games ever made. Pure soul, very thoughtful, super fun

Very challenging to the non-schmup brained like me but the soul is immaculate

Oozes charm, gotta get back to playing

Great music, controls are out the wazoo for my liking but I like shooting aliens


The game that made me want to make games