Used to play a metric ton on /tg/station. Good memories

I still keep playing this to this day, so I guess that's something.

I'd play the hell out of this on a 3DS nes emulator

One of the greatest total conversions for HL yet, creative settings and a lot of effort you don't always see.
(note: i may or may not be helping test gaem)

IMOQ is more soulful but this is just way more fun to play

Feels more like a fps with the quake iconography slapped on top. It plays well at least


Pure audiovisual kino. (played on Ironwail)

Peak sonic music. Time travel mechanic can be ignored if you do special stages though

Immaculate soul but I feel they could've gone further

Going from KoL to this is like seeing a kid grow up to be an adult with poor trigger discipline

This will go down in history as one of the greatest fangames of all time. I take issue with a few characters but otherwise, it's a fan prequel that leaves you wondering about what's happened after the credits roll.

Chapter 1 many years ago did a lot that I never really saw while playing UT, and Chapter 2 outright did one noteworthy thing about UT extremely better. We are not leaving Toby's wild ride any time soon...