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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 7, 2021

Platforms Played


I really wanted to like this game more. I really, really did. It has great vibes and I love the set-up. But it just didn't work for me.

For one, the game's design is lacking: it mostly consists of talking to a list of NPCs in a specific order. It doesn't feel like puzzle solving, and mostly feels like just fumbling around for the square peg.

That wouldn't have killed it for me intrinsically. This is the kind of thing that melts away in the presence of greater things. But the narrative also just completely fell flat for me. I get that it's based on children's stories and all that, but the writing is so dry and the stories are often completely forgettable.

So I was really disappointed. Good vibes, and the ending is pretty cool. But damn. Just fell flat.