Log Status






Time Played

77h 0m

Days in Journal

6 days

Last played

December 8, 2023

First played

August 18, 2023

Platforms Played


I've never had a game become one of my all time favourites so instantly, it's been a long wait and it lived up to all expectations and even surpassed them. BRC nails the early 6th generation aesthetics and has an aggressively colorful art style with awesome character designs. Movement and general control is immensely superior to its (glaringly obvious) inspiration Jet Set Radio. It's so smooth and effortless to skate around the walls and ceilings once you've learned the ropes, helped by the addition of a air boost. Level design is all round consistently fantastic. The maps are all dense and much bigger than they first appear, I felt genuine excitement every time I discovered a new secret section which I do not experience often with games anymore. What I wasn't expecting is for the story to be interesting too, while not taking a big focus. It's not entirely perfect - there are quite a few glitches as of the current version and some QOL changes could be made, but nothing hindered my 10/10 enjoyment and I can't wait to 100%. It absolutely oozes soul and it's the most fun I've had with a modern release since 2017. PLAY IT