I prefer CS2 over CS: GO.
Also, over the past month of playing, I've been pleasantly surprised to find that in non-prime lobbies, I haven't come across any cheaters, whereas in CS: GO, almost half of the matches in non-prime lobbies were plagued by cheaters.

- Very small roster.
- Effects look weird. (Especially fire effects)
- Shh!tty character design of Akari Warriors. (Ralf was my favorite KOF character but they have made him fat looking idiot. They removed his grappling moves and added fire bomb move or something... ωtf?)
- Controls feel stiff. Combos and specials are more complicated than the previous games.
- Ash is the least scary final boss in kof franchise.
- Sub-par music
- poor port

Overall, it's a step down from the old KOF games that I'm used to. A lot of KOF fans claim it to be the best KOF game but to me, it feels like a cheap & careless experiment.

This graphic novel is truly underrated. After experiencing this game, most other graphic novels seem lackluster, merely throwing together a background and two characters conversing. In contrast, every scene in Soul Gambler is crafted meticulously, seamlessly integrating characters into the vividly detailed backgrounds. Moreover, the choices offered genuinely affect the storyline, adding depth and immersion. Yet, the true brilliance lies in its narrative—the dark, compelling story that kept me on the edge throughout the gameplay.

Nice short visual novel. It's missing a good background music.

I really loved the story, but it felt lame sometimes because almost everyone would say, 'Wow, you are so kind-hearted,' after having a 2-minute conversation with the main character.

It has that great vibe of Xbox 360/PS3 era games, which I really enjoyed while playing. However, this game turned out to be quite challenging, similar to the souls-like genre, and I don't have much time to improve my skills as I'm mostly a weekend gamer due to my job. Perhaps I'll pick it up later when I have more free time, maybe after a job change.

In this game you fly as a fly. You keep going up and up. After holding the button "W" for 8-10 mins, you hit a light bulb and die. That's it! Nothing philosophical. It's just a waste of your 10 mins. The music is good thou.
Also, those who get entertained by one pointless achievement are idiots.

Without a doubt, this game is much more enjoyable than the previous one. However, the campaign requires a lot of traveling across the map, which can be very tedious and boring. I'm tired of running already and so I don't want to play further.

I'm not sure whether to recommend the game or not.

I have always heard about Ninja Storm games but never heard of Naruto: Rise of a Ninja. I think one of the reasons could be that it was released exclusively on Xbox 360 but I was shocked to find out that it was developed by Ubisoft.

The game had a lot of potential, but it also had flaws that kept it from being the perfect Naruto game. One of the main issues is the slow and boring beginning, which consists of tedious fetch quests and tutorials that go on for far too long. The game picks up speed later on, but some players might lose interest by then. Another issue is the lack of depth and variety in some gameplay elements, such as the combat system, which is enjoyable simple and repetitive. Quick time events and button smashing in combat make the combat boring after 2 hours (Although it takes only about 3-4 hours to finish the game). The platforming sections are poorly designed and frustrating at times because of camera movement issues.

The game does have some redeeming qualities, though. The game’s presentation is impressive, with faithful recreations of the original anime’s locations, characters, and music. The game tells the story of the original Naruto anime series through gameplay (similar to Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot) and also uses actual clips from the anime as cutscenes.

- Awful controls
- Poor camera angle
- Bad story telling
- Clunky fighting
- Empty open world
- Horrendous sound design
- Horrible performance
- Too much bloom in graphics
This is undoubtedly the worst game I have tried this year.

Better play Naruto: Rise of a Ninja (on XBOX 360 or Xenia Canary) if you want to experience the early adventures of Naruto in a game.

Orochi Saga is the best. In my opinion, this one has the best boss.

- no 3v3 (This is what makes King of Fighters special)
- Small roster
- Poor Voice Acting
- Poor character design

Overall, a bad spinoff.

The controls are hard to get used to. Also, I like Happy Wheels more than this one.


I love open-world survival craft co-op games. I was excited to play Raft with my friends. The art style and story seemed interesting to me.

However, I was quickly disappointed as it turned out to be very repetitive and boring, as you have to constantly collect debris, cook food, purify water, water the crops, water the grass field, create batteries, change batteries and fend off the same shark over and over again. I think I wasted almost 80% of my time doing these tedious micromanagement. In a game like this, I expect more variation in enemy types. The game also has many bugs and glitches that ruin the immersion and the fun.

The trailers and screenshots of this game are appealing. Also, it has overwhelmingly positive reviews on steam.
But I was very disappointed to find out that this game is fun for like 10 minutes. it becomes very boring & repetitive very quickly. Also, when I play this game, I feel motion sickness for some reason.