It's tough to convince someone to play this game without spoiling it, but this is one of the best games I have ever played.
The game is full of surprises and mysteries. There is no objective marker, you explore and discover everything by yourself. Don't search for anything about this on the internet, just start playing it.
The only downside of this game is that it is very stress-inducing.

Story, sound design, world design, puzzle difficulty everything is perfect. Overall, the best platformer game I have ever played, period.

A fabulous adventure in 80's Japan. This game delivers exactly what Sega claims, "experience unlike anything else in video gaming". The game has a simple structure but is extremely rich in contents. Also, the main story is astonishingly good.

+ Extremely polished pc port.
+ Incredible graphics (Also very optimised).
+ Astounding story.
+ Superb voice acting.
+ unforgettable music/soundtracks
+ Immersive open world (can interact with a lot of the elements and can enter in a lot of buildings)
+ Lovable characters
+ Very funny and silly side quest stories (Even though the main story is a serious crime thriller)
+ Combat is satisfying and has enough variations
+ Can pause the cutscenes
+ A LOT OF MINIGAMES (Karaoke, disco, Mahjong, Pool, Pool Puzzle, Fantasy Zone, Darts,Cat Fight, Bowling, Shogi, Batting Cage, Out Run, Pocket Circuit, Space Harrier, Telephone Club, Sotenbori River Frashwater Fish. Tokyo Pier Fishing, Saitwater Fish Minigame Guide, Koi-Koi Minigame, Roulette, Baccarat. Black Jack, Poker. Ufo Catcher.)

- Poor introduction to Real-Estate Management (I could not find more than 2 properties to purchase)
- Static voice in side quest missions
- Can't drive cars (But every open world games does not need to be another gta, right?)
- Crashes sometimes

Overall, this is the best game I have ever played. It's also very cheap so just buy it.

The amount of enjoyment I got from this game seems to belie the fact that it has 93% positive reviews on Steam. Speaking frankly, most of the "most helpful" reviews on Steam are the most useless reviews. Except for the tedious combat system and the extremely mediocre story, it's essentially the same game as Yakuza 0.

[+] Graphics looks great and it performs amazingly even on iGPUs
[+] Can save anywhere now. Also, autosave works flawlessly.
[+] The first half of the story is interesting

[-] "You can upgrade abilities" - FFS you don't need to remind me every time I go to the menu.
[-] Every positive review of this game is about Majima. But after 3 fights Majima disappeared from my game (I have found some reviews who also faced the same bug). So, I couldn't level up my "Majima Everywhere" and my Dragon style remained useless throughout the game. Also, the concept of dragon style is horrendous.
[-] The storyline is poor even when I'm not comparing it to Yakuza 0. Goro Majima is capricious and a lame comedian in the story who acts like a demented gay.
[-] Combat is far more difficult than Yakuza 0. However, difficulty is not the issue here. Fighting now is like button-mashing and drinking Toughness ZZ every minute. Bosses take ages to beat.
[-] Speaking of bosses, every boss units can regenerate very quickly which makes the fighting more tiring. Also some boss attacks are almost unblockable. So, it takes a lot of time to beat them which is not fun.
[-] Equipping weapons from inventory is very confusing. After equipping a weapon in one fight I get to see my weapon in the next fight
[-] The progression system of this game feels amorphous.
[-] There are only a few mini-games compared to the huge library of mini-games in Yakuza 0.

The gameplay and the story were so boring that I had to quit and I could not bring myself to finish the game. I ended up watching the rest of the story on YouTube even though it was lame drama as I intend to play Yakuza Kiwami 2.

Overall, it was a bad game.

+ Looks way better than Yakuza 0 and Kiwami.
+ Progression feels better than the previous two games.
+ Lots of enjoyable side quests and minigames.
+ Great engaging story (Except the ending).
+ Kamurocho and Sotenbori feel way more interactive now.
+ Majima is playable again (although it's not like Yakuza 0. Majima Saga has a very short story and combat options with Majima is very limited).
+ It has Virtua Fighter 2 in the arcade (One of my favourite childhood games).

- Fighting was the most lacking part in this one compared to the previous Yakuza games. I missed switching to different styles, so fighting quickly became boring.
- It's extremely easy, even on hard mode. Boss battles are super easy.
- Anti-aliasing sucks, and hair texture looks terribly bad.
- The ending was more idiotic than I could ever imagine.

Overall, I enjoyed it a lot, unlike Yakuza: Kiwami 1. In terms of gameplay & story, Yakuza: Kiwami 2 is on par with Yakuza 0. I spent half of my total gameplay just exploring the side contents. They were unique and didn't feel repetitive at all.

This is a prime example of how to ruin an excellent game with a single weird mechanism.

Yes, I'm talking about the Duel mechanism. I'm stuck in a Duel and have lost all my interest to play further. But undoubtedly it's a good game. The storytelling was interesting. The graphics look very good. The overall gameplay is satisfying.

My favorite mission is where you sneak into Wayne Manor to get to Batcave and steal Batman's costume to become Batman for a day and realize that being Batman is tough.

This game is full of references to popular movies, shows, and games!

It's a good game. In fact, it's far better than MK10.
However, I miss the dark tone of MK9 now. Maybe Mortal Kombat games will never be dark and scary again. I would love to see another MK game that would have an atmosphere similar to MK4.

It seems like I played a crappy PC port of the best Mortal Kombat game.

- Some combos and special moves deal even less damage than uppercut and they need more time charge.
- AI cheats by reading inputs
- Crashes a lot
- Gameplay feels clunky and unresponsive sometimes (due to bad port)
- Unplayable without controller
- 60fps locked but drops to 25 for a second sometimes which is annoying
- Sound effects are inconsistent

Story Campaign:
- Terrible cutscene graphics and Fighting scenes in the cut scenes are cheesy ( I've seen console game-play and it was actually good. So I guess, it's an issue on PC because of the lazy port)
- 2 vs 1 matches don't seem fair for a tournament
- Shao Kahn is unfair

Btw some positive sides of this game are:
+ The Announcer
+ The Best MK story
+ It has more characters than other MK games
+ Freddy Krueger

The story is very lame compared to MK9 but gameplay is good.

Although the story seemed promising and the graphics looked unique. It's a dull repetitive game with awful cut-scenes. Also, the keyboard controls were mapped poorly.

I tried really hard to get into this game. But it's really boring and repetitive. My friend, with whom I played coop, also thinks the same. All the missions are basically fetch quests.


I was about to quit playing video games after playing a lot of overrated sh!tty games.
This game reignited my interest in games.

It's a fun short game with beautiful background visuals. The quality is so good that I almost forgot that it's a free game.
However, I think that mini-game was overused and Sonic is supposed to be fast right?
Nonetheless, it's a good visual novel.

It's a fun co-op game. It has amazing gory pixelated graphics.
But it's repetitive after a few levels. Also, the controls are annoying sometimes.