3 Reviews liked by verila

This was just ok for me. I don't personally enjoy the 'clean slate' time looping mechanic, especially with such short loops, as the character development and dialogue feels shallow each time. Definitely prefer time looping mechanics where you get to keep more memories and build on that, but I get why it wasn't done here for the most part (they're retained within individual loops, but largely not across new loops). I feel like to counteract that though, the loops could have been longer, so you get more out of them.

You get a LOT of dialogue options, which was actually the biggest negative for me, as a lot of it just feels like filler and half of them feel redundant anyway, with only slight differences. Would much prefer like 3-5 dialogue options each time, where they are unique and each have a distinct impact on the story.

My highlight was the male VO, I loved his work with all the different voices. And that's pretty much it. Didn't hate it but didn't feel captivated at any point or inspired to do multiple playthroughs, which the game clearly encourages. More Scarlet Hollow to look forward to now that this is out at least.

Don't listen to the naysayers. Edginess is an art.

So the child murder, regular murder, cannibalism, satanic rituals were all fine but no it's the incest between two adults. That's what we should kill the creator for

Seriously going by the official summary alone. What kinda game did you people think this was going to be? I swear this site must be full of twitter users looking for reasons to be offended if the rest of these reviews are anything to go by