our men are running from the battlefield

shameful display

My favourite Total War game in terms of setting, land and naval combat, and responsiveness on potato PCs. Realm divide isn't my favourite but it's definitely a challenge. The now spun off expansion, Fall of the Samurai, is a great change of pace and does 1800s combat better than Napoleon Total War.

You never quit RuneScape, you just take extended breaks. I started in 2004 and my last break ended about three days ago. I'll get that fire cape some day.

Some of the most entertaining stories I've read and probably the worst grind I've ever subjected myself to besides RuneScape, and it's all on a browser-based mobile gacha from 2014.

I'll be ordering this year's Valentine's postcards too.

It's Yu-Gi-Oh. Gone are the days of throwing down a facedown and ending your turn, it's OTK, control, or bust.

The menu and in-game UI is solid, and I've got very few complaints on that end. Card sorting is a bit iffy but that's to be expected with thousands of cards in the database.

Most shocking of all is that free-to-play is viable, and you can make one or two complete decks that'll take you all the way through ranked if you know what you're doing.

If there's one glaring flaw, it's the single-player duels. They start off as a tutorial to ease people into Yu-Gi-Oh, and do a decent job of explaining the rules, but they don't do much to tell you how the archetypes they showcase actually function. Instead you find out how they work when you jump into a duel with one of their loaner decks and immediately watch the AI pull out their boss monster with a better version of the deck they made you play. I don't want to get rolled by Inzektors again just give me my gems konami

One of my deepest regrets was that a friend bought this game years ago on my recommendation. I don't know what came over me. Fable II was better, even without comparing the empty promises from the dev between II and III.

Finished in one weekend. Great story, hand is a bit tired from serving everyone huge beers with the mouse controls. Definitely need to replay it. The cast is witty and endearing, the jokes come naturally (excepting a few over the top references), and the forums were consistently entertaining.

I have truly entered the sequel waiting room.

Strong start and then it just keeps going. The story begins to drag on and the zones get big, empty, and samey. Topple locking my beloved

Strong story (love Ryuji), fighting wasn't particularly interesting with or without the attack boost sodas.

I liked the gummi ship segments way too much

The only Final Fantasy game I've played to completion. Probably awakened something in me.

I can't believe I paid $20 to play this when I could get paid to shovel snow in real life instead

My gateway into Touhou Project. "You can stop time and throw knives", they told me, and then there was no going back.

I got motion sickness after every couple levels and it's still one of the greatest games I've played this year. Iconic soundtrack, charming art style, relaxing or intense depending on your goal going into a stage.

It's fun to mess around with, but not a must-play by any means.

A very unique game that has you assembling a team of fish, crustaceans, and warships to take over a bunch of coral reefs, rock formations, and even a refrigerator across the ocean floor. The gameplay loop is satisfying for a while if you get a kick out of seeing marine life duke it out with bullets, and I sure do.

The playable species all have their own unique quirks, with tools ranging from melee attacks to guided missiles and lasers to molting as a decoy, though the controls also vary across species from decent to nearly unplayable. Leveling a species increases their stats, but they won't gain experience from fights if they're AI-controlled. This ends up adding more of a grind to the game alongside the DNA collection you'll be doing to unlock new species (even the battleships).

Went in as a Fire Emblem fan, ended up playing P3P and P4G. The plot is a little by the book but the side stories for the main characters are where the game really shines, not to mention the amazing vocal soundtrack and engaging gameplay.