I can't believe peggle would collaborate with infinitely worse games like portal and half life. I still love you peggle

I'm so close to loving everything about this game, and every so often i feel like i do. I love the premise, the music, the design. It emulates an early '00s arcade game really well... but that also includes all the bullshit gameplay elements.

There was a point for me, i think halfway through the stages on level 4 where I realised i wasn't finding the gameplay fun a good chunk of the time. It's down to enemy placements primarily. It gets to a point where there's so many of them following you with even more spawning out of nowhere directly next to you, it seems way too harsh. Plus, the game tends to introduce an entirely new enemy every other stage which feels too much. I'm currently on level 7, and I swear I've come across like 50 different kinds of enemy, and half of them are a fucking nightmare to deal with.

The game also likes to push a lot of other stage features and gimmicks at you just as quickly as it adds new enemies. Hidden tiles, slippery tiles, a superjump thing, spikes that only hurt you if you jump on them, tiles that flip between colours whenever you step on them, tiles that cycle through 3 colours whenever you step on them, fragile tiles, a little guy that moves around and resets your coloured tiles that you have to deal with, etc etc. it's.. a lot, and while i can appreciate just how much the game offers variety-wise with this, it's too much too quickly for me. I feel like there's so many more opportunities for cool stages with the features it introduces but instead it chooses to hastily jump to the next thing and then combine gimmicks together in stages.

I appreciated the ability to buy powerups more than ever once i got to the later stages, but i dunno, part of me feels like it was an easy fix to the unfair difficulty of some stages rather than just improving some of the stage designs.

I made this review the day before i beat the main game, and the issues i have still stand. I made use of easy mode for some of these final stages which made the end game actually fun challenging rather than annoying awful bullshit challenging. I'm pretty sure this got added in an update rather than being in the game from the start which is weird because jesus i would never beat this game otherwise.

The game continued to add more enemies and more stuff right 'til the end. I was saying to myself yesterday 'god what if the game adds like a lights out gimmick later that'll be so fucking annoying' and lo and behold it absolutely did. There was another gimmick, the fan tiles, that were also super frustrating to work with. Some stages had these huge areas full of fan tiles which bounce you around like the dvd video screensaver, and you had to get the exact right position and movement to bounce you around for a full minute until you get to the other end or else you die... and then even when you do that successfully you end up dying to an enemy on the other end that you just can't avoid AHHHHH

A standout moment for me was stage 9-12, where the map is nothing but a giant square. It's one of my favourite levels in the game. Enemies are littered everywhere on the grid but this time instead of being confined to a long 2-tile wide hallways that make death almost unavoidable you have this huge amount of space to dodge them. It's incredibly fun, and the game can for once actually justify throwing a million different enemies at you at once. I'd love to see another endless gamemode added to the game that's just this level over and over but with the square getting bigger each time you fully colour it and the enemies getting tougher and more abundant. I'd play the shit out of that!

Am I ever going to come back to this and get the V rank for each stage? Fuck no. I don't even know if it'd be possible lol. But for what it's worth I did get a good amount of enjoyment out of this. It's a neat premise with a phenomenal art style and soundtrack behind it, and whenever the gameplay wasn't driving me up the wall i got a hell of a lot of fun out of it.

cerise is a very cool character i like her a lot

it's tetris! but it's also puyo puyo.

the minigames and mario vs. luigi mode are the reason i give this a 4/5 rather than a 3/5. But it's also got the blue shell which is by far the best powerup they've ever made. the marketing was all like 'oooh isn't it cool that mario becomes huge and stomps around' well y'know what FUCK the mega mushroom blue shell 4eva

It's always a nice time to come back to this every few years and sink a good few hours of a day into finishing the main game before giving up and completely bankrupting your company for the hell of it

this game is shit if it was 1981 i would've told them to stop here honestly no more games

i'd always been curious about how this game played and assumed there'd be a lot more to it than there actually ended up being. at least.. i think? i always felt like i was beating the stages wrong, like there was some trick to the game I didn't know about that made it.. fun? i like the music though

i kept going until my emulator kept failing to load my save states and i have now given up

there is one good new idea here. it is the spring that bounces you very high. now that, is comedy. everything else hurts me. i would kick the shit out the clouds. smug pricks.

mm yes i definitely trust the video game opinions of those who enjoy uhh.. 'ark survival evolved but somehow even shitter'. ill be sure to check this one out


It's the visuals, sound design and music that makes this a good experience, and everything else is just sorta there which for a game I managed to get through in under 5 hours is perfectly fine.

Might be the first game where I never got stuck on a puzzle even once, which I'm guessing isn't a testament to me getting better at these kinda games but rather that the game is just piss easy

my saddest life goal is to play every tetris game ever made but i feel like this one alone is able to account for about 80% of them

cool as hell i wish there were more songs in it right from the start because i cannot be arsed to add them in myself

the movement really is good. when i learned how to do that really big backflip after doing a slide jump? damn, that truly opened up a lot of opportunities to cheese my way into rooms i was not prepared to be in

on the flipside the combat just kind of exists. with only.. what, 6 different enemy types in the game you really only need the basic attack to deal with them, and yet there's a bunch of other moves you can carry out which are cool but pretty much pointless. Sure, the fact you can kick the sword in mid-air after you've thrown it is awesome but there's no point where i would ever bother to do that. then again, what was the point in having the ability to throw the sword anyway? maybe there was something i missed? i just pressed the button on accident every so often and lost it

I'm glad I've been able to play the game with the map but it is about as basic an implemention you can get other than just showing a jpeg. I was desperate for some sort of icon to show where i am on the map as opposed to just highlighting the room i'm in. i spent way too long cross-referencing the angles of walls to get my bearings. also some of the maps were too big for the screen and got cut off which is just kinda funny

however with the character design alone i retract all my grievances immediately 10/10 game thanks bye bye

i never used the calculator i just moved mario and luigi around on the top screen and predicted when my cat would die

one time as a kid i scrolled all the way to the end of the calendar on here. it stopped at 2099 and my brother told me that was when i would die and i cried to my mum

the music is nice