i learned at least 6 different swear words from my cousins in 1 night thanks to this

Don't you fall apart
You might lose my heart
You know I love your art

it is so nice to be heard. it is so nice to be understood. the fact that somebody would purposefully take a moment out of their day, a moment they will never get back, to listen to you - that action itself saying "your experiences matter, your joys matter, your sorrows matter, the fact you are here right now is such a wonderful thing", even before the conversation that comes out of it - is the most compassionate of actions. it is love. i feel like I'm overrating this and I fucked my wrist up playing it but. wow. wow.

cons: cooking mama

i think i'm reading it wrong but john sakars would love this

0 Service Aces 2
0 Return Winner 7
0 Smash Winners 0
43 Power-Shot Winners 14

the katawa shoujofication of the discord generation (derogatory). really not that deep but it was probably ethically reckless for a guy with 100K+ twitter followers to put this out into the world. they might as well add an CIA gift shop referral link to the bottom of this backloggd page.

the verb is "peggling" actually. this is a serious matter.

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and the tear drops just keep Falling Down
and the tear drops just keep Falling Down
and the tear drops just keep Falling Down because:



(the platonic ideal of the greatest game series. i love you tsunku.)

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they went all that way to make it the most hand-holdy, starting point, i-aint-got-rhythm game of the series (even despite the bizarre air of finality this one carries) and then they put ds rhythm rally 2 into it. thats fucking awesome.

i would like to do a proper review of this another time when it hasn't been so long since i played or maybe even if the mythical loveplus+ / new loveplus translation happens (does loveplus EVERY even work anymore?) but in the meantime i would like to say that i get a feeling of this game being ahead of its time but like in the same way cops probably thought sonic weapons that fried your eardrums AND your internal organs were 'cutting-edge technology'

well lads they made guilty gear for everybody rather than just insane people [humming and hawing, muttering noises, sounds of consternation, air of uncertainty fills the room] however they also made testament genderfluid [rapturous applause, hi-fives, screams of joy, hugs, buncha guys start making out

i think if there were words in the english language to say how stressed this game makes me feel every time i played it, the existence of those words would be prohibited from human speech, barred from discussion, kept secret under lock and key from generations all of the world, for their existence alone would tear the mind apart and haunt the soul. the high pinnacle of dsiware and a lost gem of the mid-to-late-00s post-y2k chic puzzler movement but it also feels ethically irresponsible to let it exist. it is always key for a game like this to give as many moments of "i've figured this game out" followed by you getting your ass wiped off the earth as a game can and even for its simplicity and its minimalism, digidrive/intersect nails that

"queer love that should get more attention is queer friend love. It has kept me alive, fed me, gave me a safe home, loved me at my best and worst, and nurtured me. they modeled healthy family dynamics in a way that made me feel safe & excited about life again."
~ tweet i saw the day i started this because it was pride month but also its basically just this

just do a crossword you BITCHHHHHHHHHH