6 reviews liked by vivii

They call this game a Zelda clone, but it completely surpasses all the Zelda games combined. The world that has been created and the unique graphics processed for it, the carefully prepared dialogues, and the variety offered with its gameplay mechanics are at the pinnacle of its genre. There’s a combat system that feels solid and satisfying, a feeling you can’t even get in most Souls games. Wandering aimlessly on the map is enjoyable; it could even be called an odyssey in a fantastical world. Despite the game being so good, because it’s a Ubisoft game, it’s considered bad, but the mud-graphic Zelda from Nintendo, which can’t even handle textures on consoles, is considered good.

This series was my childhood. I made up a whole little booklet of like 40 OC sims and still kin DJ Candy. It's fun to build mondo-clusterfuck eyesores to maximize your Tasty value or whatever in 6 houses or less. I turned Travis' house into a ranch for milking geckos and Papa Gino's restaurant into a militarized impenetrable italiano fortress. The sky really is the limit if you have the patience and can immerse yourself in the childish braindeadisms of accepting your sims as believable characters. For my money, I take this over The Sims and Animal Crossing any day of the week.

Don't be fooled by the charming art style, music and character VO... This game is a horribly capitalistic mobile game through and through. It's just a barrage of unecessary things to keep track of, so many so-called rewards and checkmarks to obtain, all of them meaningless. The actual gameplay gets old real quick, to the point you'll actually glad that the game has mechanics built in to make you play the game less and let the game itself do it for you. Stay away from this good looking trash.

look at all those real gamers giving 1/10




O jogo é muito limitado por ter sido lançado pra 3DS, e eu não gostei da mecânica de Spirit, achei muito fútil e chato de jogar, e DE NOVO droppei o jogo e vi as cutscenes no YouTube.

Mas meu amigo... A história dessa parte foi a loucura! Escracharam até demais a história num nível inimaginável, os plot twists e as conexões de tudo foi absurdo!

Abertura 10/10.

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