not as good as the first one but th spider music pretty good

in vectorman u can burn ur enemies face off with ur rocket boots

i tried to write this review bfore but everything conspires against me giving rabi-ribi a bad rating, which is way i am now giving it 5 stars. my wife loves this game^^

definitely the best taiwanese game i've ever played.

this is my favorite mobile game. the girls are beautiful the art style is beautiful graphics wise it looks amazing except for the actual rhythm game part of the game where chibi pngs of ur characters jump around sorta to the beat but not rly a big deal cuz im looking at th notes anyway. this is also th only one of these kinds of games that had th balls to have explicitly lesbian characters (they even kiss!!) which is great bc i love lesbians. if ur interested in th story but dont care for th game, theres also an anime u can watch for free on youtube its p good :)

the music varies in quality but its rly diverse and some of the songs r rly ... eargasmic hehehe. but srsly tho th soundtrack is great

th gameplay is more forgiving than other rhythm games which makes it less frustrating to get full combos n shit. i also like that th game can b comfortably played with just my thumbs holding m phone in a natural position, even on th hardest songs (tho u need some fast fucking fingers). no need to awkwardly lay all my fingers on a tiny screen and hurt my precious hands.

this is a gacha game but unlike others if ur a free player like me ur not completely starved. u can reasonably get important items like 4star cards(the rarest) regularly n while u cant aspire to have a full card collection or anything, u can definitely grind ur way to th upper echelons of players if ur rly dedicated. unless ur filthy rich i dont recommend paying for anything in this game except maybe th monthly subscription thingy bc everything else is insanely expensive.

it sucks that i have to talk personal finances in a game review but this is still my favorite rhythm and i also love the rpg style grinding aspect of it. beautiful game just dont let urself get scammed.

also a great game to play w my wife <3

i love minecraft.

playing it in survival single player used to b fun in 2010-2011 but now its boring u can always go back to the old versions tho or u can play modded which is hella fun. multiplayer is also rly fun, even unmodded.

infinite possibilities kinda game

there's this one time i walked under a chandelier. it fell on me, but i stopped time just before it hit me, so i walked under it, then jumped on top of it in midair, used it as a platform to shoot an enemy that was otherwise hard to reach. when i resumed time i had gone past the obstacle and the enemy died by knives, avoiding me the trouble of dealing w it ever again. this took like 2 seconds , enough time for me to realize that this game is really fucking badass.

its a lil short tho so 4/5 :(

m not a druggie so idk what m talking about but this game is like a normal shmup on crack. now if u play this game while on crack, what would happen? you'd probably die cuz drugs kill u.

its got badass early 90s rave music. its got fast af bullets and enemies like raiden fighters. u can change ur ship's speed. if u put it at maximum ur ship is so fast u can barely control it. this is the only way to play.

this game is fucking awesome idk why anyone rates it less than 5/5 they're probably very stupid.

you can throw your force thingy at the boss and it latches on it deals huge damage, charges ur super weapon then u unleash that shit in his face and u die anyway cuz this game is so hard like wtf why is it so hard i dont care tho its satisfying to get thru hard sections and as mentioned u can do a lot of crazy shit and pull off complex strategies to get ur way.

the graphics and music are badass and moody at the same time, the ending is fucking scary as hell like this game almost crosses into horror game territory at times. i haven't played all the r-type games but i played like 5 and this one's the best 5/5 u can also play as one of 3 ships

it took them a million years but they finally made a game as good as castlevania 1997 for the ps1. if u played sotn u already know what this game is so i dont need to tell u.
biggest flaw: its a little too derivative of castlevania in some parts: there's a singing fairy, a vertical underwater waterfall room, enemies that have the same ai as classic castlevania enemies.
the positives: the graphics are beautiful, not the most technically impressive stuff but stylistically amazing and that includes the gorgeous and sexy characters. new systems (crafting, character customization, etc.) are great additions to an already winning formula. also the voice acting's good not sotn tier but myriam screams at all times as she should. i was playing on bad quality speakers so i cant comment too much on the music but the underwater theme is beautiful. there are also some very crazy sequence breaks u can do some r glitchy some r done by cleverly abusing game mechanics in ways the devs didnt intend. good shit u gotta use ur brains.
next time i rly hope instead of making it as good as sotn, they make it better than sotn. bloodstained is a great game, but being as good as 1997 ps1 game shouldnt b a compliment. i want more stages, more weapons (and weapon variety), more and cooler familiars, and maybe more freedom in how you explore too (less linear). if anyone can pull it off its these guys and i loved the characters in bloodstained i want to see them have new adventures or see their great great grand-children have new adventures or smt.
P.S.: had some performance issues while playing it varies depending on platform but the games so good i didnt give a shit

this is a great game to play w my wife. there's a great mix of guy-type and girl-type gameplay in this to make it a game we can both enjoy in multiplayer. multiplayer stardew deserves all the praises it gets. i never played it in single player tho but i can marry my wife in the game so 10/10

I used to hate this game. The controls are annoying and frustrating. The progression is restrictive and goes out of its way to lock you into "their way" of playing, and when people find a way to circumvent it even just a little, they "fix" it next update. A lot of features hinder you for no reason like I can't deal damage through walls even though my guy visually swings his sword through the wall. Lots of tiny annoying things pile up in this game to make my life hell.

...but after playing it for dozens of hours I found a new way to play Terraria and now I love it. I love researching every single thing in the wiki to try and get every tiny help I can get from new equipment, better modifiers, etc. I love grinding for every single rare or time-consuming item that makes my character more powerful. Farming shit is fun. I love taking my time to make huge ridiculous projects like destroying and entire biome or making a railway that crosses the entire map. Despite the artificial restrictions imposed on me, I found my own way to play Terraria, and I love it, so 5/5 I guess.