Holy goshdang smokes

What this is is a game where you build, customize and upgrade robots in order to fight in robot colosseum battles. It's Mariana Trench deep and I have barely skimmed the surface and I really want to go very very deep because this is the exact sort of game that could swallow my life.

Graphically, it looks i n c r e d i b l e. I can't wait to play more of this.

This isn't the worst shooter I've played, and it's definitely not the worst looking, but it's up there with the worst handling and worst feeling.

I often love how it looks! It has very "looks like a PCE game running on a MD" energy, which I adore. But gosh, the sounds and the game feel? Yuck and ugh.

I don't follow the NBA very closely so I tend to buy 2k every other year or so, and this year's 2k is like every year I buy 2k: whatever the newest 2k is is the best basketball video game there's ever been.

I don't want to sound too hyperbolic or anything; there's stuff in here that I don't like. But when it comes to the pure on-the-court basketball? Whatever the newest 2k is the best it's ever been.

Are the newest 2ks my favorite basketball games? It's tough to say, but probably no--that would go to Dunk Kids I think.

Basketball is a skill game--it's tough and wonderful and joyful to watch; I think spiritually it's America's soccer. But the sort of individual skill we see our favorite players display is incredibly had to replicate unless you've got a powerful engine. It's why, for as much as I love NBA Jam, you don't get to feel like those guys like you do in every newest 2k.

If you like basketball, grab this and have a blast. It's incredibly easy to ignore the obnoxious microtransaction stuff.

"A Fire Emblem with really gorgeous art [but please please draw women with at least SLIGHTLY more realistic breasts please god] set in the 19th century" is an incredible pitch aimed like, directly at me, and I was digging it for a little while but then my interest just completely evaporated.

I think if that pitch I described above would hit for you, too, you should give this a shot--it might really hit and then you'll have a lovely game!

Ah hmm this game HMMM

I’m not familiar with the Saint Tail show, but I do have an enormous soft spot for the Magical Girl genre and also Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne, which seems like a very similar show!

This game is a collection of minigames tied together by a top down exploration bit. The minigames aren’t just video game-y minigames but are like, Highlights magazine style games: spot the difference, assemble the image, that sort of thing. They’re also incredibly difficult!! They were so hard!!

I have to say, I just didn’t click with this. I was bored 😓

HOWEVER, the opening attract mode sequence is Saint Tail’s magical girl transformation mode and it’s worth looking at just for the wonderful pixel work! It’s absolutely adorable.

Ah Phantasy Star 4.

I decided to replay this on a whim after some friends decided against it as a game club pick, and with cheats and such I was done in about 6 hours or so.

It's just such a wonderful experience. Planet hopping, offing the big bad guy(s), funny dialogue, gorgeous looking graphics. I just adore it.

I don't have incredibly deep thoughts, but I just like it a lot.

I really enjoyed this! It took me about a billion continues (probably a dozen) and I didn’t learn about the reflection mechanic until someone told me about it afterwards!! Hahaha

I liked this a lot. It just has a really fun and responsive feel and the ships and art are just plain nice. Solid and fun little time to be had here!

This ummmm wasn’t good? Hahah it had a couple neat things like in the first level there’s a scene transition where a city gets bombarded that looks neato. But it’s got very very “2000s Java Phone Game” energy in the worst way

I will say that the music in the snow level is exactly Keyboard Cat’s tune and I think that’s funny

I liked this....fine...hahah

I'll be honest; I sort of expected to like it more, and I actually don't have a ton to say about it. As usual, I used invincibility and without it I wouldn't even have been able to get close to any sort of end. The second run-through after you get a wish from the Cat Boss would have been absolutely impossible for me without cheats.

I um, liked the part where you shoot down a mech Rouge is in and she waves a little white flag.

I mean come on! This game is SO STINKING STYLISH! I love it to bits! I adore that you can pick up various co-pilots and all of that, and I think the art is just so neato. Any game that has missile spam is an all-timer ^_^

What an absolutely hilarious and fun and adorable little game!

This is a collection of games that were originally released for the Sega Mega Modem, and they're all cute little arcade-y type games.

I played the most of Flicky, which is a cute little thing where you jump around as a little birb collecting your chicks and evading cats and frogs; it was fun!

Then I played the entirety of the most hilarious Air Hockey game, where the conceit was you're competing in a tournament which determines who the emperor is. It was quirky and fun in the best way--although I cannot imagine someone winning with Retroarch's rewind function.

There are some Phantasy Star text adventures, a cute puzzler set in a pyramid and another little action game I have yet to get around to, but this little collection is adorable and fun!

ALSO last but absolutely not least: Gosh danged MEGUMI HAYASHIBARA not only is the voice of and visual inspiration for the mascot girl but she also does the “Segaaaaa”!! Can you believe that?!

Hah! The database won't let me select anything for the platform, but I imagine y'all can guess this is a Game Gear game!

And it's a really really good one!

Soccer games prior to full 3d can be rough. There's something about other sports that allowed for really playable 16-bit and earlier versions to still be fun and dynamic:

- Basketball games tended to reduce the number of players to 2x2 or 3x3 and even do half-court

- Hockey is a relatively small playing area with very direct passing and not a lot of start/stop

- Gridiron football is set-plays and formation driven

- Baseball tends to be very static with not a lot of moving parts at any given time (and a base arrangement that conveniently matches a d-pad!)

But soccer? Gosh, that's a horse of a different color. Soccer is one of my favorite things in the entire world right underneath like, my wife and cats, coffee, the Mega CD, clothes, UC Gundam and baseball, but goodness gracious does it often make for dire video games.

FIFA has gotten it more or less right with the help of modern analog controls and motion capture graphics and all of that, but back in the old days? Forget about it.

And I'd be lying to you if I said that J. League GG Pro-Striker '94 solves any of the problems old soccer games had. Passing to the right guy is frustrating, locating a shot is impossible, defense is difficult, etc etc. It's the same issues they all had, but what makes this game so good is that it does what it can to reduce those frustrations and it's on the gosh danged Game Gear!!

Plus when you score there's slow motion replay!!!!

I haven't played every pre-modern portable soccer game, but I've played a good amount, and you can do way way way worse than this one. If I wanted portable soccer in 1994 I would have killed for this.

Aww what can I say about this game? It's so wonderful! Gosh those sprites are just PERFECT

I am a huge Gundam and Gundam Wing fangirl and this game just delivers all of that in spades. It looks SO GOOD

I hated this ahhhhh I haaaated ittttt ahhh ahhh ahhhh

Gosh; maybe that's a little harsh, so imagine me laughing while I say that. I haven't been as frustrated at a video game in ages

Those overhead sections are SO OBNOXIOUS! SO SO SO SO BAD. I never knew where to go, I hardly knew what to do; I just really, really had a bad time.

Skip it. I mean it! You don't need to play this.

Iiiiiiii um...didn't like this one. I actually wish I had more to say, actually?

It looked like a PCE game, which of course it did, because this is an adaptation of a PCE game I think. But I thought it was wildly unmemorable.

I liked how I could transform into a robot though!