Even though I marked this as 'Finished' today, this is a game I'll be playing for a long long loooong time.

This game is very, very simple--and you can tell it's made for the youths because it has furigana in it hahah. So you've got two types of cards: mobile suits and pilots. The suits have Attack Power, Speed, Support and Special Attack, and the pilots have various stats that boost their suit stats. There's also a rock-paper-scissors system too, with the suits falling into three categories themselves.

I came across these cards and the arcade game the first time I went to Japan back in the early 2010s, and the arcade game is exactly the same as the 3DS one. All the gameplay of either is is dragging your 3 suits around to attack enemies. It's simple but so so so addicting to me!

Despite my love of narratives and stories and varied gameplay and such, it's games like this that really grip me and are like catnip for me. I can't get enough ahhhhhh

Like with any years' sports game titles, I'm not really "finished" with NFS Unbound and will keep playing it whenever I feel like racing, but I've played enough of it now to throw it in the ol' Backloggd.

I absolutely love it! Like with any yearly iteration of a sports game, I knew I would like this going into it; it's racing, it's got dress-up dolls, I like the general vibe of it.

I don't have incredibly complicated thoughts except for that it's fun to dress up your character and car(s) and drive around and race and just have a blast. What more can someone ask for from a racing game? Any racing game that has a customizable dress-up doll racer is gonna be leagues ahead of the others in my book.

I love this game!

This one was fun! It...was! Yeah...it was fun!

Look the thing that immediately jumps out is that you can play as a cute Dolphin pilot--or an old man with a cat, or a cowboy. The art style is pretty nice, but not my favorite I've ever seen in a shooter. Also no fancy-pants weapons or anything really; or rather, those fancy-pants weapons are varied because they change with each pilot.

Anywho, it was fun!

Gosh! This was a lot of fun!

I don't have a ton to say about it, but I really dug it. The music was rad, I loved those ending screens too--I just had a blast!

I was earnestly surprised how easy those bosses were, to be honest. Maybe the easiest bosses in a shooter I've played in a long while!

There was part of this one level where you go past some waterfalls and I thought that was wicked neat.

When I was a kid, I couldn't even get past the first level of this! Now that I'm a full grown adult, I got past that first level...and then turned on cheats hahahaha

I loooooove the style of this game--it looks GREAT and controls really great too. I dig it in so many ways! Plus, that opening sequence is wicked cool.

All of that said, I'm just not good enough to get the sort of enjoyment people who are good at games would get out of this. Even on normal I found it frustrating enough to need cheats to get through it without quitting!

Absolutely worth checking out if you like shooting platformers and are ok with pretty tough games

I got suuuper duper sucked into this today and ended up playing through, a bit accelerated at the end (after I reached the painting-the-map-cleanup part).

I really, really like this! I have a huge soft spot for Dune and I'm a big 4x head so there's lots for me to love here. The units and buildings look neat, and I like the way you expand your area.

I think where this game falls short is the lack of the game to really grip you diplomatically on single-player. With one or maybe two other human players this would really, really whip.

Played the story mode of this one as my friends watched on and we had a blast--the art is great and it looks great too. The racing feels a liiiiitle loosy-goosey but on the whole it was fun!

Sometimes my non-games-interested wife will just turn on the Dreamcast or Saturn in our living room and pick something more or less at random and we end up playing it for a while together as it becomes a fun obsession for her for a few days

So in like 5 game sets a bunch of times over the last few days we’ve been playing this little tennis game! It’s fine! It’s like a Dreamcast Wii tennis! Kinda no frills but with cute little fellas you play as

I poked around the “story” mode a bit and it’s got skill points and all that—not too shabby!!

Gosh, there's over 250 reviews for this one and 4000+ plays! Wowzers!

I was a Sega baby with a Sega CD and until I started this a few days ago had never played a single second of Sonic CD! It's fun!

I really like how it seems WAY more like Sonic 1 than any of the others, which is really neat from a like, time capsule perspective.

I'll absolutely cop to something though: I don't really know what I was supposed to be doing. I got all of the Time Stones more or less as early as I was able to, and the rest of the time I just kinda wandered through the levels like Forrest Gump. I never understood what I was supposed to be doing.

I oftentimes randomly ended up teleporting into the past or future, which seemed to be based on how fast I was going; I understood that. I didn't quite understand why I wanted to be doing that? Or not wanting to?

I don't really care though; I had a blast regardless. I love the way it sounds and I loved the cool enemies and the cute flowers and the anime cutscenes and the cool Robotnik designs.

This was a lovely time!

I'm going to play this on and off, but I've gone through the "Story" with a couple fighters now and had a pretty fun time! I got a Tea Set item! It's wonderful

What more can I say? It's a cute and fun SNK fighter that's only ladies (and Iori from KoF in drag)--it's a blast!

It's utterly and completely and fully not for me. Gosh, I tried hahah

I really tried to like this one.

Fromsoft please make more Armored Core!

This game was....fiiiiiine hahah

The whole conceit is you're this Lord and some bad stuff has happened and there's a bunch of baddies who also have armor and you've gotta fight 'em! Instead of weapon powerups or whatever, you choose a Suit of Armor at the beginning of the level which changes your shot and super (as well as your color!)

The Earth one is basically the best one because its super merks bosses really fast.

The standouts here are the hilarious(ly great) butt-rock tunes and the boss transformations.

It's fine!

Wonderful to see the other review on here saying basically what I'm going to: this game is absolutely bonkers. Mechanically it's just a sideways shooter game where you're in your little ship.

But the presentation and cutscenes and visuals? Absolutely the most bonkers stuff I have ever seen. Nothing I can describe would do it justice in any way. It's trippy and wild and so cool and radical. Truly wild and fun stuff.

I will absolutely have more to say about this game once I play more of it. This is a wonderful looking Mecha tactical RPG and there are systems systems systems!!

Omigosh what a fun game! The little ship was so responsive and cool, and I loved how you could shoot your little buddy to suck up powers from bad guys.

I loved how you go from space to a castle and then back into space and into a base.

You fight Death! And a Mermaid! And a cool big knight lady!

This was pretty dang fun