I did not know what to expect from this game after playing the already amazing 7 remake. I thought to myself how would they find a way to improve upon something already nearly flawless and wow was I amazed after finishing my 110 hour playthrough. Everything was vastly improved upon whether it was the combat, world, quest's, side quests etc. The exploration was fun and I had a great time defeating various enemies in different areas. The characters and plot had me hooked and dreading having to conclude this one of a kind experience. I have no problem waiting a few years for the conclusion of this story if it means the game would be on par with this entry.

This game marked the start of the end. This shit was so ass everyone played 2k17 another year and would go down as arguably the worst 2k of all time. Everything good from the legendary past two games of 2k17/16 were thrown out the window and ruined the park experience. The reason 17 and 16 were enjoyed by many was the arcade aspect of the gameplay and instead they moved towards realistic simulation with this game.