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1 day

Last played

February 26, 2024

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ultimately, i really only liked shiraishi's route, and found myself rushing through everyone else's. shiraishi IS very cute, though.
my thoughts on each LI:

- enomoto: feels like five different gimmicks in one character. would be cute if he lost the fake eyepatch. not very memorable. i think it's been like a month since i played his route and i can't really remember a single thing.

- sazasuka: WORST BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sucks so bad. wish i could delete him permanently from the game.

- okazaki: felt like his route would have been a bit more emotional if ichika could have been a tiny bit crazier while romancing him. two crazy people feeding off each other. as it is... well, i guess he's cute enough. i'll never forget his words of wisdom:
"Yep. That's right. Pillows are suuuper important to people living in a modern society. Yeah. I'd love to average 24 hours of sleep a day."
so true!!!!

- shiraishi: my adorable quirky little catboy. wish i could introduce you to ffxiv. you'd have so much fun there. ichika is at her best in this route.

- yanagi: boring. too perfect. the villain in his route is much more interesting, and to be honest, i wish we could have gotten more of them. felt so disappointed because both ichika and yanagi are so idealistic and naive in this route! their righteousness is kind of irritating, to be honest. let me romance the villain, instead!

a funny thing i just remembered is all the people on r/otomegames saying this game has so much commentary on current events. what? no, it absolutely does not. i felt like the writers were all sitting around and then someone said "what if cults........ could be sexy?" i don't think it gets any deeper than that. but it was a fun little VN, all the same. will probably pick up the sequel soon.