Speaking as someone who spent well over 100 hours in the janky-ass Friday the 13th game, this fills the void left by that one quite nicely. Even if I don't care for TCM as a series as much as Friday overall. But the original movie is a stone-cold horror classic, no doubt, and due to rights issues this game is largely built around the setting of that first film anyways.

I should preface this by stating I have mostly spent time playing as a victim; honestly it's probably like a 90-10 split between the two across 15-ish hours. The game gives you three options: Family, Victims, and Quick Play. Now, I would've said Quick Play might as well be another Victims option but last night it gave me the Family for the first time after many, many, many games. Go figure. But as a fan of stealth games I definitely prefer playing as the victims in this title. It's a tense experience that doesn't force you to always rely on teammates or pure luck to escape, unlike Friday the 13th. The sound design in particular is fantastic and it's the perfect game to play with a good pair of headphones for maximum spatial awareness. While the maps can be somewhat labyrinthian, the environments of the 1974 film are lovingly recreated in exquisite detail.

Sadly there is only the single game mode and three maps (each with a day and night version) available at launch. Not to mention the tutorials are extremely tedious to get through and very unintuitive. You just have to sit there and read text on the screen that fades in and out at a fixed speed. And there's no option to play offline with bots in order to get a feel for the controls and the map layouts. Once you do get a handle on the game it's fairly straight forward, but after some time the matches were beginning to get repetitive and I found myself turning my attention back to Hitman. The package feels like it's lacking in substantial content overall. I got to play this through Game Pass so I can't act like I wasted my money but I don't think it's worth the asking price at this time unless you're a hardcore TCM fan.

Definitely a fun time regardless, and I'd love to get some friends in on the action in the near future. I just can't see myself playing this for dozens and dozens of hours.

Reviewed on Aug 29, 2023


8 months ago

Yea I wanna get this one but I bet it'll be available on PS plus in a year like they did with Dead By Daylight and Friday haha.

8 months ago

I can see that happening