Everyone hates the dog, and you know what? I also hate the dog. This game is a fun classic. It holds up as being super accessible. If you have an old TV that can handle the zapper, this is a real fun toy for kids and a nostalgic conversation piece for adults.

None of the sequels ever quite recaptured the magic, but this is a swell game.

You can play this game for 2,000 hours and still find new and fun item combos.

Same issue I have with the first one, it just doesn't grab me. People say this is the better of the two, so I'd like to understand the hype someday, but I always feel like I could be playing things I enjoy more.


Fuck this plagiaristic bullshit, long live Threes.


Like all of Supergiant's games, the art, writing, and music are great. I don't really care for the game part of it (it's fine, just not my cup of tea), but I really love the visual novel part of it.

Really cool. Some aspects of it haven't aged as well as others, but it's kind of a classic indie hit that people should play.

It's so difficult, but so snappy.

It's Faust, but Witcher. An excellent expansion.

I probably just came to it too late, this one doesn't do much for me.

Personally, this is my preferred version of the game. I love the cutscenes, the first-person aiming stuff, the updated graphics, the way the controls feel. It was my introduction to the series as a kid, which is probably a big factor, but all the same - I really love this remake. It's a shame this version isn't widely available.

I don't like it as much as 0 or Judgment, but this is an excellent Yakuza title, and a satisfying end to the Kiryu era.

It's fine, it's just like... Not stoked that you have to pay like $500 to play the full game

Ah, fuck. My poor heart can't take it.

This game takes like an hour to play, it's free, and it's telling a small and specific type of story. It either makes you cry at the end, or it doesn't. I feel like your enjoyment of the game is largely dependent on how it relates to your own life experiences, and that's fine.

It's not bad, but the sequel is better, and I got bored of the sequel pretty quickly anyway.