It's mediocre. Feels like it was made by two high school kids over a weekend, giggling at their own jokes

It's a side-scrolling adventure game. Think Night In The Woods, I guess?

I like it, I think the story hits some good emotional notes even if it remains kind of mild in impact. It got me teary-eyed in a couple places.

I liked it enough to 100% it, anyway.

It's neither bad nor good. Entertaining in short bursts, but loses momentum pretty quickly.

I feel bad for this game, it got pretty overlooked and it wasn't anything too special so those who did play it didn't tend to yell about it from the rooftops. It looks and feels like a lot of effort was put into it (every game has a lot of effort put into it).

The servers are shutting off this month but this team, or at least some of this team, went on to make Wilmot's Warehouse and I Am Dead, both of which are great, and that feels like a happy ending to me.


I really like this sort of thing. Sometimes I check in on it to see if the tree has changed much.

The gimmick gets old quickly.

An early access game that they just kind of abandoned as far as I know, but the potential was great, it's just a gamble whether or not it'll run on your machine.

Crashes on every platform I've tried to play it on. Usually able to get through a few levels first though, and honestly it's not worth the trouble.

Run of the mill puzzler, didn't like it very much.

A timing-based roguelike. I like the pixel art and used to play on my phone when it came out. I own it on Steam and have played it a bit, but it's really not the kind of game you want to sit at a desk and spend an hour on.

Unfortunately the procedural generation is broken to the point that you can frequently find yourself physically unable to progress. The movement and jumping are also really bad. Wanted to like it, but can't recommend it at all.

It's just a little annoying to play, but I really like the plot and atmosphere. It's plenty creepy.