A decent little sci-fi platformer with some physics play involved.

Not a bad roguelike, but not a good one.

Lost interest almost immediately. I played this around the same time as Eldritch, another pixelated FPS, and I preferred that to this.

Points for being a weird fucking game, but it's not a good one.

I really like this one, actually. The art style is really bad and the sense of humor is both good-weird and bad-weird, but the stuff you can do in this game gets so ridiculous as you slowly get enough items to start breaking things outright. It's a really fun time.

Why am I playing this? What am I doing? There are so many better games. The first one sucked, and so does this.

A swing and a miss on all fronts.

You can set up crashes, but like Hot Wheels on your mom's kitchen floor, there's only so many times you can make the car hit the wall before it starts to get old.

There's "hard" and then there's "I feel like my controller isn't working."

There's "hard" and then there's "requiring such pixel-perfect precision that you're just going to be stuck."

I like hard games, but this didn't feel hard to me, it felt shitty.

The movement takes a bit to get used to, but this is a great little game about being a t-rex with rocket boots.

I hope the sequel is good. This was a cool idea, but it never really reached its potential, and it had unfortunate performance issues.

I love roguelites, and I tried real hard with this one, but there's no weight to any movement or attack in this game, the progression is agonizingly slow, the difficulty is all over the place, and the humor ranges from "light chuckle" to "kind of offensive."

I can see why people like it, I'm just sad I'm not one of those people.

A competent but mostly forgettable point and click adventure.

Despite having a stupid name, this twin-stick is actually really fun and the controls are snappy.


Not bad! Like a side-scrolling twin-stick boss rush.