I suck at driving these big haulers

I like the pop-up book art style, but that's all I can say for it.

My best friend got extremely into this game, but I don't see why. There's not a lot going on here, it's pretty mediocre on every front.

The art direction is all over the place. I found the puzzles pretty irritating. Above all, it starts so slow that I really can't see myself finishing it. Maybe someday.

The advertising tricked me by making this look fun and goofy. In reality, it's boring, repetitive, shallow, and unfunny.

I remember this first being a Flash game, or maybe just a demo of it was on Newgrounds, but I loved it. Seeing it on Steam years later, I had to pick it up again. It holds up pretty well, the overarching mystery and each of the characters' stories are all interesting and fun to figure out. Just a solid narrative adventure game, I recommend it!

It was a stylish and fun timekiller on mobile, I'm not sure I'd play it for more than an hour at most.

Very tightly designed game, incredibly difficult.

You could stare at every screen in this game for hours on end, and still be finding new details to enjoy. All the creature designs are otherworldly and hellish. The gameplay is fine, it exists to navigate you around this is eye candy.

Another Videlectrix classic.

Now this one, was genuinely very good.

I'm still in awe that this was a browser game.

It's the first one, but longer, and the art has improved in fidelity. A fun, weird journey.

This was so cool when it first came out. I'd never seen anything like it, I would've been in elementary school at the time. I revisited it in middle and high school and cooled down a bit about it, but it might've been my first introduction to surrealism and weird art in general. The visuals were groundbreaking for a Flash game.