Disappointed by this one. The artwork and the grappling hook focus are top notch bait for me, but once it had me hooked, I found that it was frustrating to play, and ultimately tore the hook out of my cheek and flopped back into the sea.

Delightful, but there's really not much here at all.

One of my favorite shooters. It's so satisfying, a great blend of seriousness and ridiculousness. I have some issues with the concentration camp sequence, but I've had such a blast playing through this multiple times that the good outweighs the bad here. Kill all bigots, and do so with two shotguns at once.

People love this game, and I can see why, but I'm so irredeemably bad at it. It just feels frustrating to me.

This game is unlike any other, and I love it dearly. Story-driven stealth puzzle game with a unique premise and an excellent ending. I definitely think more people would love this if they gave it a try.

I really should go play this more. It's got the makings of a good metroidvania with a special twist via the digging mechanics. What I did play, I liked a lot. I just never went back to play it after that.

Not the best AC game, and since they're so damn long I probably won't get around to finishing it with Odyssey and Valhalla both half-finished, but it was better than I was expecting after being severely let down by 3 and 4.

I don't think I have it in me to do all the different playthroughs you can possibly do, but this game was thrilling during my first run through.

I had a good time with this one. Doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it plays well and the story is good (if silly - I agree with people who complain about how she feels remorse about killing someone, and then goes on to a shooter sequence in which you mass murder like 30 guys)

An enjoyable action adventure game

I prefer this to the first game, personally. With the exception of one sniper "defend your friend" section, everything here is stellar. Love that story. Really exceptional noir shooter.

It's dated, and pretty difficult, so I think I ended up using cheat codes. I'm glad I did, because mowing bad guys down and experiencing the story is so much fun. I'm really glad I finished it.

One of my friends got really into this, and I think I like it more than the brief time I spent with Hearthstone, but I never stick with these games for long. I has some interesting mechanics and I think its design is solid, I just don't go in for f2p card games

I have to rate this highly, it perfectly accomplishes what they say they're gonna do with it. The game-feel is 10/10 flawless, I love putting on some music or a podcast and falling through the sky

The sequel is better, but this is still a real treat.

Couldn't bring myself to get very far, but I want it. I want it bad.