Not the best in terms of narrative or reasons to keep playing, but the destruction stuff (though kind of a marketing gimmick at first glance) is genuinely satisfying, and was completely novel at the time.

Oh! And also you are a Worker who rises up. That's always worth at least an extra half-star in my book.

Another ARPG that didn't really grab me - not that there was anything really wrong with it. I'll probably pick it up again on a whim at some point in the future, but it lives on the shelf for now.

Didn't have a lot that kept me compelled to go forward. Very top-down Zelda influenced, which isn't my favorite format of combat to begin with, so this ended up just not being for me.

Some good stuff, but largely forgettable. Not much in the way of depth, it's pretty one-note.

Really unfortunate that things wound up the way they did - this one showed a lot of promise.

Underrated, honestly. This game has depth and good art and an interesting structure.

Too hard for me. Really cute design though! And it's a really well-conceived puzzle game! It's just so difficult after like the third level.

An excellent typing game! Lovely art design, fun adventure elements

My personal favorite tower defense game!

A pleasant, simple adventure game. Nothing crazy, but it's very cozy game.

Nothing to write home about in my book, but seeing these rave reviews here I might have to pick it up and give it another look!


I mean, it's a masterpiece. 100%ing this thing when it was brand new was such an achievement for me. I've tried to replay it and the magic isn't there anymore, but for a moment this was the best thing I'd ever played.

Really pleasant. These types of puzzles aren't my forte, but I had a good time pushing snow around and enjoying the calming ambiance.

It's really cool to go through and explore as much of it as you can. I've played it singleplayer and multiplayer. The structure is interesting, maybe not in a good way, but definitely a way unlike any other game I've played.

Pretty fun, almost caused a divorce