It's so beautiful, but I never finished it.

Unfortunately not very good. Multiplayer is janky, the physics feel off, the courses are not fun.

I played this for two weeks straight during every free second of time I had when it first came out. Then I stopped, having awoken from my fugue state, put the controller down, and never went back.

I like watching speedruns of this a lot more than I like playing it myself.

It's fun even if you can't draw and everyone you know is a semi-profesionnal artist.

It's solid gold and solid pain. It's also one of my favorite works of art. I own the soundtrack on vinyl. I love rupturing my eardrums with it.

I like this more than Spelunky. Doesn't make me any better at it than Spelunky, but it's got more going on and looks prettier.

This game is beautiful, but I hate moving the cat slug. It's weird and wiggly.

I don't know if I have the skill to ever come close to finishing this, but it's really beautiful and intriguing. Some mechanics make it frustrating - if you're bad at the game, you'll be grinding a lot to compensate, and backtracking, etc.

There is something special about it, though. I respect this game more than I feel compelled to complete it.

It's okay, I played it for several hours over a couple days, but I don't feel the need to go back. At this point there are other versions and a sequel that may or may not be out - I don't need to pick this one back up again.

Points for accomplishing their artistic goal, but although a game doesn't have to be enjoyable to be rewarding or worthwhile, I found this to be neither. That sort of fits in with their artistic statement too, but there you have it.

Not as good as New Order, but I still enjoyed it. The level designs here are, frankly, bad. The story goes over the top in ways that pushed past entertaining stupidity and into stupid stupidity. Still though, there's fun to be had here.

I thought it was pretty entertaining at first, but thinking back on it I was very incorrect.

I really liked this one. I've heard bad reviews of its sequel, which is disappointing because I'd be really curious to see where it goes from here.

At a certain point you find yourself wanting to hear all the audio logs and get the full picture so you can wrap it up and move on, but the game seems to be largely aimless? If there is an ending, I couldn't find it for the life of me. And that's fine, there doesn't have to be! But what started out as a fun playground turned into a tedious trial and error attempt to find what I was missing, and that's not very fun.