Definitely a departure from the first two in many ways, but in some ways it feels appropriate? I thought it worked better than I was expecting. The shooting feels amazing, this is one of the best "game-feel" games out there.

I gotta respect a game that calls the protagonist out on white savior murder tourist bullshit, but I don't gotta respect that the game still does the white savior murder tourist bullshit.

It's a cool idea, really good-looking environment. I'm a sucker for any sort of detective stuff, so I like that you're primarily doing weird supernatural murder flashbacks. Can't remember where I stopped playing, but it wasn't too far in... This game is not good if you're a "check every single corner" type of completionist, as the impulse will always be there and it is 100% not worth it to have that kind of behavior here. I'll probably start it over and just look for the critical path next time.

Really interesting, mechanically. Despite its roguelike nature, I didn't feel especially compelled to play it more than a few times.

For someone who grew up on Newgrounds, this has a lot of personality and the humor is nostalgic to me. I've never gotten very far in it, but I like what's there, and following the early access cycle was fun.

Wouldn't say it's bad, but it's not my preferred flavor of platformer. I think this would be beloved by a specific crowd that I'm not a part of.

The art style is so good, and the soundtrack is aces. As an emotionally-stunted college dropout from the Midwest and Pacific Northwest, the story and characters were so relatable for me. I must've cried at least a few times throughout my first playthrough.

I don't know how much more I can ramble about this, but coming here to review it has certainly inspired me to bump it up on my "to replay" mental checklist. Deeply love this game.

Not bad! I like that it's open source, and you can't beat free.

I really enjoy that first big arc of Fables, and I had a good time with this game, but I think by the time I played it I was a little tired of the Telltale format, and it didn't really land for me as well as it did for others.

Someone I follow on Twitter once said that this game helped them realize they were trans. I'd already known it about myself when this came out, but I can see where they're coming from.

Anyway, personal stuff aside, this is a great game that puts an emphasis on character depth and player choice. The supernatural element is mysterious and compelling, the twists are foreshadowed yet surprising, the emotional tone is consistently good, and the secrets and optional conversations are all worth having.

This game basically takes place in my hometown, all the Dontnod games feel very nostalgic and familiar to me in that regard. I really love this game. Tell Me Why was underwhelming, and Before The Storm was never going to be as grand in scope as this (I still have yet to play LIS2, it's in my Steam backlog), but I'll forever hold a candle for this first game.

Shame this studio went on to do PewDiePie's "Poopdie" game, rather than a sequel to this or something... that isn't a nazi shit-themed game.

The art direction in this game is great, and it's a decent point and click adventure to boot. I enjoyed my time with it.

It's badly written, over in half an hour, and you get the "perfect" ending on the first try and it tells you to replay it for the other ones - no thanks.

This game sucks. I saw they announced a sequel and went to see what they've been up to for the past several years and they made a "Karen outrage simulator," just to give you an idea of what level these guys are operating on.

Back to this game: It sucks, the narrative is badly conceived and poorly written.

Not really sure what all the hype is about. People seem to really like this one, but it didn't click for me.

Decent little run-based launcher game, not enough meat on the bones to carry it for long though.

Really excellent spooky point n' click, first reared its head in the Flash days. My friend and I love this series, they strike a great tone.