things i dont wanna rate in fear of cringeposting on main

Nothing here!

To continue on my little tangent about this game and its wide assortment of mods, I just want to tell this story.

I discovered this silly little thing way back in November of 2020 on a whim, I was scrolling through my usual "epic free games" site at school one day, as this site had Street Fighter III: Third Strike on it and i thought that was awesome. Not the point, I was checking out what was new on there, and stumbled across this game. I looked at the cover image, thought it looked cute, tried it out. I enjoyed what little there was at the time, but more than anything, I was drawn in by the artstyle. I loved, and still love, the Newgrounds style this game just oozed, despite never being all too big on the site itself as a kid. I figured, hey, I'd like to see more stuff like this, so I went and followed each of the devs on Twitter, wanting to keep up with the game and see where it went.

As time went on, more updates came, more weeks were added, and suddenly it is blowing the fuck up. Did this hinder my opinion on the game at all? Was popular thing now bad? No! Because I'm a normal human being who bases their opinions on whether or not they actually enjoy thing, and not how many people enjoy thing. I was, in a weird way, proud! This little indie rhythm game that really was no more than a casual, like, hour long experience, was hitting its stride, and it was awesome to witness as it happened, seeing the game grow from where it started!

Being such a simple rhythm game, dedicated to its style and charm, as well as its tendency to reference and cameo other big names of its homesite, a lot of people grew attached to it, and a lot of creative people figured out how they could expand upon the game themselves. By (I believe?) Week 5, the modding community was starting to make a name for itself. Not a... very good name, but it was a start. Older Funk charts were notoriously buggy, under/overdone, and just generally unfun to play. I mean, the engine they were working on certainly wasn't doing them any favors. Over time, more people developed more ways to patch up those cracks, implementing (pretty standard) features to their own, custom made engines, like... uh... DFJK controls... and chords.

I think stuff like that is really where a lot of my love for this game comes from. Coming into the scene so early, I got to witness the growing pains of an upstart modding community, and there's a weird sense of pride watching them learn what and what not to do in terms of charting and just basic rhythm game norms.

i sound like an asshole saying all this lmao
I get that it's the funny porn game that all the big name youtubers played back then, but outside of that, it's a decently fun Bejeweled-style puzzle game with some cute character designs, a good amount of funny moments, and a soundtrack that I genuinely like to listen to as simple background music outside of the game. I can't really go into too much detail on this game without it inevitably sounding like a problem, though. Whoops.
i know i already have my review up but i just needed a filler space because only 4 games feels weird
yeah sorry i still play this game sometimes

This is probably one of the most monumental achievements throughout Funkin's entire modding community. I had been looking forward to this mod's release for so long, because I was hopeful. In the slew of cancelled and unfinished creepypasta mods cluttered with shitty devs and poor management, this was the one and only mod I held out hope for, and it came out marvelously.

My limited knowledge in Mario fanworks meant there were a shit ton of references and cameos that I didn't understand, but I was still grinning like an idiot at the ones that I did. Even when I wasn't, I was still enjoying the music and especially the mechanics. Damn near every single song comes with its own special gimmick, and I love all of them. Fake timers, charts on a fake DS emulator, touch screen and all, hell, play the chart on your god damn desktop, I cannot gush over this mod enough and just how hard it goes on its features. This really is a testament to just how far the modding scene for this game has come, and I'm so glad it didn't turn out like all the other horror mods out there. Feels like forever since I've last even heard of a finished funk mod.
Despite the mountain of praise I just gave to the last entry in this list, I still think I would call Hotline 024 my favorite. This is the peak of this community, and it's still not even finished. The songs are all downright euphoric to listen to, and the charts associated with each of them are some of the most fun I've ever had with any rhythm game. Not to mention the onslaught of different references and samples used throughout. Dead serious when I say I damn near teared up my first time hearing Crystallized start up in the middle of one of the songs.
Even if you're not into the voices, I still think the instrumentals are just as great to listen to on their own.
I enjoyed the little ARG thing they had going on as well, and I'm really looking forward to where this whole story goes.

No matter your thoughts on base Funk, the community, whatever else might be putting you off, I implore people to at least give this mod a try. It is an amazingly fun time throughout, with a shocking amount of content to boot. If I recall, my first run through of everything took me just over two hours, all 24 songs.


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