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February 6, 2024

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You would think given how much I love and talk about music on here that I would be absolutely enamored with the rhythm game genre, right? Not really, no. I used to be, definitely! But over time, I've found games like osu! or Quaver or other similar, keyboard centric rhythm games to be kinda taxing on my mental, not to mention my stamina. The competitive aspect of the leaderboards, as well as the heights some maps will go in terms of difficulty just started getting to me one day, and I haven't been able to go back since.

This is where I would start my next paragraph with a question: "Why do I enjoy this game/mod so much?" But I think the answer to that is clear enough. Take away the competitive ranking system, take away whatever "points" mechanic you might have, and have the game be simple, fun, and casually enjoyable. That's what Friday Night Funkin' is to me. Casual fun, in a genre that I should naturally be compelled to enjoy. Saruky's Hotline 024 is what I would call the pinnacle of that enjoyment.

I think I can say that I am genuinely amazed at just how much there is in this mod. More than the base game itself, even. Totaling 24 songs and nearly 2 hours of music and gameplay, there is a shocking amount of work put into what the devs still call a demo, and every second of it just as great as the last. I'm willing to sit down and admit that I thoroughly enjoy the music of Hotline 024, and I think that if there's any mod to give a chance, despite any preconceived notions you might have over the base game or its community, this would be number one. Hell, if it's just the voices used within the songs that get to you, I can also fully recommend the instrumental tracks. The download page proudly advertises its mashup-heavy nature, and it uses its wide assortment of samples and melodies beautifully for any situation. I've even gone so far as to use a few of the slower, softer songs as background music for my wallpaper.

But no rhythm game succeeds with just its music alone. There needs to be a chart associated with each song, one that works in time with the music, while still being fun to play. To not drag this out any longer, yes, the charts are all fantastic as well. Every pattern is smooth on the hands, no matter the pace, and with the way Funkin' usually works, there's always a nice amount of breathing room in between segments. Not perfect, I can think of maybe a couple notables examples of some questionable charting decisions, but for just how many charts there are? I can still praise the work and care that went into everything. Even in the two songs where your notes are split across the screen, it's still very readable, and makes for an even greater spectacle during gameplay.

The entire vibe and aesthetic of Hotline 024 is matched by so few others, and I fell in love with it even at the start, back when there were only two songs to the name. The art is all pretty, the music is great, and the charts are fun. To the fullest extent, I think this is easily the most enjoyment I've had from any rhythm game out there. I love this massive collaboration of all different artists, and I definitely look forward to anything else Saruky holds for this story, in-game or not.