So…whilst they were making sonic 2 over in America with yuji naka, the rest of the original sonic team were left in japan to work on a different sonic game for sega’s next business venture…the sega cd…of night trap fame of course.

In my view, out of the first 3 sonic games so far, cd seems the most consistent in level design…now hear me out on that, I’m a big sonic cd defender and I’m here to put my point of view on it. Sonic cd is more focussed on exploration, which might seem stupid? A sonic game doing exploration…sonic is meant to go fast! And that’s where I find this game to truly shine, the exploration is there for those that want to do it. Like the other sonic games you don’t have to do it. But that doesn’t mean it’s not more encouraged, if anything it’s more encouraged then anything and that’s what I like about it, it gives the level design a chance to shine and not just be zoomed through, but you can zoom through it if you absolutely want to.

The metal sonic boss fight is also the best part of this game, like geez that is a cool boss…

Consistent level design, still great music, eggman’s laugh is too funny.

Reviewed on Mar 11, 2023
