Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 16, 2024

First played

February 25, 2024

Platforms Played


This game is a very... unique experience but it's not a bad one. Objectively, this game is a great example of ludo-narrative harmony and does an outstanding job of establishing a tone and sticking with it. However, part of that harmony is an often frustrating degree of obscurity around game mechanics. I personally find this to be a positive trait in this case, since the narrative of the game is about being an occultist trying to grasp at knowledge that is beyond your comprehension, furtively reaching for any scrap that furthers your understanding. The gameplay is emulating that narrative by giving you some hints, but largely making you figure things out on your own. For me this led to a sense of obsession as I was insatiably curious about how to make it all work, how to get to the "end", and realizing how much deeper it went. Ultimately, I think that works for this game, and I am quite fond of it. I look forward to picking this up every once and awhile for many years to come.