This game is so boring and so ugly its not even funny. I was planning on playing f3, fnv and f4 in order, but i just cant, i really cant.

it was probably an ok game before but they have added rpg progression and gacha mechanics to it so... yeah

new preseason sucks,s.,... please dont add tyamat actives again... to many buttonss

the game is good why are all the reviews in this site so bad

This game made me feel like Anton Ego trying out the ratatouille. It is truly special.

Awful campaign and dead multiplayer with terrible monetization.

Very original concept with cute characters and a well executed story.

Simple 1v1 sword fighting game. Best played with friends at school. i prefer it over niddhog, feels like it has more personality and mechanical depth.

i hope eggnogg++ becomes a reality some day :(

Played for about 60 hours, got picked up by a guild and rushed to black zone level content. it was a very fun experience, however without that boost the game would've taken a lot of grind to get to a decent level, and without a decent level its hard to get included in group content.

The core gameplay is fun though and it must be very fun with friends. It is also very f2p friendly.

okay maybe this is a very different opinion compared to the other reviews because i have never tried out the game without tiktok russian phonk or osu 2000bpm type songs playing in the background, but it feels pretty good and fast.

played this game with 7 other people and suddenly im no longer an anarcho communist

I liked what i played, the aesthetics are beautiful and the game feels really good, but the puzzles were not very interesting to me and every level felt like a tutorial, and they never build up to anything bigger. it's quite buggy too.