this might be the least funniest game of all time

this is the only rpg ever made

fuck this game.

(i implore you to check the hours)

everything a RCT fan could ever need or want. god bless planet coaster.

finally taiko web but so much better and so much more official. RIP

i fucking love mario kart can we just get a real new one please nintendo please

less of a party, more of a hostage crisis...

i actually cried when i instantly coughed up 60 dollars for this on release day and started playing. i don't know what it is, but it's not a just cause game. it's not supposed to go after just cause 3.

this is by far, the worst game i've ever had the chance of playing. did i mention I ACTUALLY SOBBED ON THE COUCH. I WAS 12.

my sister always complains about this game. it's the game that got her into animal crossing, and after completing all the other games she can't shut her mouth about how it's the worst animal crossing game.

now the difference between her and i is that once i finished my part of the island i didn't play any of those animal crossing games (i did however, many years ago, download new leaf, but i gave up after a couple hours), so this may as well be my favorite animal crossing game. hell, it finally managed to get me into it.

this game was my entire childhood but PLEASE fucking let us make servers with our friends already GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!!!!!

wii party is the greatest fucking game of all time. i don't give a FUCK about mario party. wii party for fucking LIFE. if you come over to my house i don't give a fuck what you think i WILL be making you a mii and FORCE u to play wii party with MII.

essentially a switch port of splatoon, yet it is still a far upgrade to the first, perhaps owing to being on a much better console. still don't give a fuck about the story mode tho! sorry sis!

don't give a flying fuck about the story mode (in contrary to my sister) but FUCK YEAH!!! SPLATOON BITCHES!!!

animal crossing if it was FUCKING AWESOME