Coming directly from DMC3, I can say that in combat it was pleasantly smoother. Everything felt so much more fluid that it was unreal, Neros moveset was so clean and addictive to use. Besides Neros wonderful true-hack-n-slash type gameplay, Dante also harbored some great additions. The weapon choice was a little underehelming to be honest, with only 3 (4 including dark slayer) of each instead of the predecessors 6 and 6. The full missing star is just the weapon lacking and the sloppy story. Everything else is great.

Underwhelming after 4, the jump from that to this is off. Atmosphere wise, maybe if I was in a better place I could've enjoyed it but it was kind of yucky overall. While I was blessed with a godsend of a clean looking game, it didn't play too well. Putting me in the shoes of a random bs agent and telling me to treck Africa, absolute garbage. I didn't at all fw the green crosshair, fuck happened to laser sight? Switching to weapons on the fly wasn't very chalked up either, resource managment in general was shit.

my phone fucking combusted under my pillow and nearly burnt my home to the ground.

First time in the whole character action thingamabob. I can't glaze the cinematics and atmosphere as hard as I would 200 hours ago, since I've done it all by now. But for a game of its time it's gas, linked up with freestyle its even better. I had a blast just killing time on trying combos and stuff.

Capcom really does not gaf who gets the DMC ip and this proves it. Random hella underfunded chinese company no one cares about got 3s rights, made a shitty gacha with it, and dipped.

Went the full 9 yards for this one. Portal is the most laid back yet destructive puzzle-ish experience to have ever been witnessed by me. Everyone knows ehat portal is, orange blue blah blah blah heard all the shit years ago. But what you don't hear until you play it is how elaborate story is, there is something going on. Yes simple portal based problems arise but the erie vibes of a backroom that looks nothing like the typical lab dressed with drawing that seem almost child like and cries for help is so encapsulating. The game doesn't throw anything uncalled for at you like that, you'll see these creepy signs but the robots themselves from your perspective are light work. When I pick up and throw a turret from a high area its funny to hear it go "Put me down!" and watch it plummet before it goes "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!"

It was a free RPG so it made sentiment hard to catch (its hard to get sentiment off unpaid things dont judge me.) Atmosphere. The entire atmosphere and the whole thing going on surroinding the events was really well thought out, while the gameplay was easy the turn of events was so silly and impactful it really made its mark.

Those reviews weren't lying i was scared at some points. Very atmospheric, you can feel the age radiate from this game. I haven't made it to anything too story intensive but I do have a vauge idea of the plot points and it sounds pretty fire.

This was my first SMT game and it dealt a decent experience. It looks ok, played out smoothly and was so draining to build on. I was just overall having a blast making my Nahobino himself but cooler. Story wise, who the fuck cares its SMT. I didn't pay much attention and even when I did it just didnt stick, still doesn't matter though cause gameplay is better anyway. Only complaint is graphic wise, game honestly runs like soupy shit on the switch and would be so much more smoother emulates (if I had a PC beefy enough.)

Holy hell, Travis is just like me (literally) through gameplay. The entire thing was me struggling to find the key weakness in the boss and pulling through, I died a few times throughout but it played out pretty average? The whole thing was dumbed down, while the key points were good it didn't stand out for anything in particular except its crazy fun gimmick. Motion controls were the bomb, I felt like I was shadowboxing some grunt in real time. That one swing attack that had you drive your beam katana forward by swinging your right joycon had me stressing during some fights. That one gimmick single handedly saved this game, spectacular.

The true cream of the crop, the "definitive" Ninja Storm game for a minute. Containing previous content along with finalizing the last two games makes this THE game. Everything is now written in a much smoother engine and combat has peaked, with shippudend end this edition adds a Boruto side story. Ignoring that I'm a Boruto hater this isn't half bad, it's not so much either. Storm connections will deal with that, for now this is the real deal.


long cold school days have been saved by 2048. thank you 2048 mwah

I think this might have been the first game I ever played, so I have heavy nostalgia bias. The levels are good, the cutscenes are funny and colorful, the story may not be cannon but god it is good. Unlocking the Gold Ninja was the best 100% I've ever done in my life.

I've only played the first two bits so far but I feel as if I can summarize the gameplay so far. On the story end its mehhh whatever, these games arens story oriented anyways. Gaming, tech stuff, controls are DMC all over again. No seriously, when people said it was like DMC they fucking meant it. The controls are the exact same which makes handling after dedicating hundreds of on and off hours into DMC3 a clean fit experience and overall smooth. Main complaint so far is that something about this game feels dead, like the style was trying to be expiremental but failed miserably. If I didn't have an addiction to games of this genre I feel like I couldn't bring myself to fully enjoy bayonetta and the beginner friendliness of this game might as well be dead.

I hate VN's but this was tolerable as hell because it wasn't a normal VN. I played it back when the hype for it was real I'm talking everyone was on this. School laptop, health class, with the gang. That shit was more funny than scary back then. good times good times.

Ok but I don't have anything to say about the game that hasn't been said. Yeah it was thought provoking and ground breaking, thanks team saliva or whatever they're called.