Ratchet & Clank Ranked

3 really feels like it regressed from 2, which is a shame because you can see some groundwork for building on 2, but its forced multiplayer level padding and samey planet / enemy design really hurts it.
ACIT is definitely the most cinematic of the R&C's, and was a really good end to the Future series. It definitely highlights how far R&C had gone from the PS2 days, allowing grand narratives with more emotionally complex stories.
I think what makes this #1 for me is that it's the most "Ratchet & Clank". It feels like the truest and purest form of the original vision R&C set out with, and sticks so closely to it that it has almost 0 fat to it.
It's a really nice tech demo, and it has some moments, but it feels like a lot of the game is just missing? Like they made a car, stripped everything off that wasn't needed to drive, and then sold it as the same car.
It's quite barebones compared to its later games, though surprisingly not as barebones as you'd expect. Everything just feels like it's giving 70%, and waiting to see if it'll succeed so it can give 100% in the later entries.
This is "Fight Arena" the game, and ngl, I really enjoy the fight arenas in R&C 2 and 3, so this is p chill for me.
You can tell jaws hit the floor at Insomniac when they got their first PS3 Dev Kit cause this really launched R&C back into the forefront of the next gen of consoles.
Read "Before The Nexus" note
It's a watered-down R&C1 re-imagining that cherry-picked cool features from the later releases, but then accidentally douses them in the same water.
This is what R&C would be if it was more generic, y'know. Like, if it had a less clear vision.
I respect them for seeing the opportunity.
4 player couch co-op is definitely a direction to take R&C in.
I legitimately remember nothing about this game. I own it. I've played and completed it.
Read "Into The Nexus" note


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