A literally perfect game. I wanted to drive a train and this game offered me the ability to drive a train. There is literally nothing to complain about so therefore 10/10.

I quite enjoyed the game and I feel like this game does every single trope that Bloober Team does in all of their games but just does them 10x better than Bloober Team ever did.

I went into this game with no real expectations as I don't enjoy the Shin-chan anime at all but due to enjoying the 僕の夏休み games, I gave this a shot. I ended up loving this game as it's just such a fun wholesome summer adventure and it's much more pleasant than the anime. I found myself getting the platinum trophy too as I just couldn't get enough of it. I absolutely adored the art style too and the backgrounds of every location was just stunning to look at. I also just found it to feel so comfy and nostalgic so I highly recommend it.

I know this game is supposed to be objectively garbage and everything but this is a personal guilty pleasure for me. I just really enjoyed jumping from character to character and constantly using all the special abilities. It was a lot of fun if you don't take it too seriously so I recommend it, if you find it very cheap.

I have a very strange taste in games and this game just scratches a certain itch that I have that no other game can. I really wish they made more games like this.

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Story wise, it's pretty much just a big "fuck you" simulator for masochists.

I played Ghost Warrior 2 first and once I beat that game, I thought to myself "it would be hard to make a sniper game worse than this", and then I played the original and immediately discovered a worse sniper game. It's impressively bad; like how do you mess up a sniper game this badly? All they had to do was give you a large tower or two to shoot at people from a distance and somehow this game still manages to be terrible.

On paper, this game should be an easy 8/10 but sadly I think it's more of a 4/10 because of it's poorly executed ideas and boring level design (especially in the first half) and buggy nature. At one point in the game, the entire level, except for the floor, refused to even load in so I couldn't progress the game and made the game unplayable until it just decided to randomly fix itself 15 minutes later.

The 2nd half of the game is much better because the locations are cool and unique. The first half suffers too much from being just a dark boring dilapated school that we have seen in over 50+ horror games already, but the locations in the 2nd half are much more interesting and the entire game should of been based on them. Puzzles are also super weird in this game because sometimes the puzzles use a mechanic that is only used a single time and then never again and there seems to be a lot of wasted potential there. Overall: just play Fatal Frame instead.

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Honestly, one of the most misrepresented games I have played. So many people seem to write it off as a perverted game which is wrong. I have platinumed the game which involved beating over 100+ side quests and finishing every single route and there isn't a single time the game forces you to do something perverted so if you complain that this game is too perverted then you are just exposing yourself. The game offers no rewards or incentives to do creepy perverted things and it is 100% optional.

I also assume many people who hate on this game don't actually understand Japanese in the slightest because nobody I have seen outside the Japanese fans seems to acknowledge the existence of any of the characters or quests. This is a genuinely funny game with some funny quests and some of the routes are pretty good. My personal favorite routes are Ranko's, Megu's and Yayoi's routes. Ranko's route made me tear up a bit. Yayoi's route might be the least romantic out of the bunch, but I love it because it deals with urban legends and myths regarding the island so it's one of my favorites because of that. I pretty much like all the routes though, except the Chairman's route. Fuck the Chairman's annoying route.