15 reviews liked by xXgamesXx

dont ask me why but this is my favorite AC and I love it so much fun

One of my favorite concepts for an assassin in the series.

This game's all like "I bet you're just pretending to like me. I bet you'd rather be watching the movies. Here, watch them, it's fine". But I do love you, The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age. You're well paced and have a nice, sometimes beautiful, presentation. Now kiss me.

The game had a lot of smart changes to it. They dropped the directional-input system from Virtua Fighter 3 that Shenmue 1 and 2 were based off of for dial-combos. That along with a target-switch made fighting crowds a much more dynamic experience. Throws were also removed so you can't i-frame out of trouble, and the guard-in-place was given a stamina-gauge so it isn't free.

I also like how its systems feed each other. Your level cap raises with the number of moves you have unlocked, so it's in your best interest to acquire scrolls. The scrolls are deliberately exorbitantly priced, but can be acquired by trading prizes won from mini-games that are much cheaper to play and can usually be won with skill. That way, the mini-games can be incorporated into the larger game. Shenmue 3 is an excellently-designed game.

My only gripe is that I feel like Suzuki rushed the pacing to put in more story than he was able to with the relatively small budget. I wish he'd cut back a bit as the second area was rushed. Still an outstanding title.

Sequel that speaks of the fans not giving up on wanting a sequel.

Lightning in a bottle. Should have been a standalone game.

Incredibly detailed, and overrated

(2 months later edit)
Fine, it's really good.

Having 10 minutes of convoluted fictional race theory shoved down my throat while I'm still tryna remember what my character is called maybe wasn't the best first impression, should've just gone to the shops. I will get back to it one day but from the first few hours it felt like a student finished their Philosophy A-level and immediately decided to make the most self indulgent and overstimulating game they could.

Noice,Chill,Good Story,Interesting Characters what more can you ask for